[Open Government Data - OKFO] Survey about open data and tourism in the public sector - Telecom Valley Association -

Lucas VIALLIS l.viallis.tv at gmail.com
Mo Aug 20 11:40:33 UTC 2012


Since 2009, territories and cities like New York, Paris or London and
medium-sized cities pledged to allow citizens to re-use the data produced
by public actors. Thus, different initiatives have sprung.

Telecom Valley, an innovative community of more than 120 members, is
currently drafting a White Paper entitled "Open Data, ICT and Tourism".

This international survey aims at assessing the level of knowledge of local
authorities, institutions, associations and ICT companies regarding the
opening and the re-use of public data, especially in the tourism
sector. You are one of these actors and that's the reason why we need your
input to be as relevant as possible in our lines of thought.

This questionnaire will only take you a few minutes and the results will be
anonymous and used to publish the White Paper this autumn. As a
contributor, you will be one of the first to receive this White Paper.

Thank you in advance for your contribution, you will find the survey at the
following URL:



Lucas Viallis*

*Support coordinator of White Paper "Open Data, TIC et Tourisme"*

*Telecom Valley*
*l.viallis.tv at gmail.com *

*[image: cid:image003.png at 01CB7060.6EA43E20]*

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