[Open Government Data - OKFO] Participate to the m-Tourism Day 2012 "Open Data, ICT and Tourism in the Euro Mediterranean area" - October 16th, Citadelle of Villefranche-sur-Mer (FRANCE)

Sandra BAYER s.bayer at telecom-valley.fr
Mi Sep 19 09:34:53 UTC 2012

m-Tourism Day 2012

 <http://www.telecom-valley.fr/> cid:image001.jpg at 01CCCBC4.AFB5AF50




Dear all,

The Telecom Valley m-Tourism Group is pleased to invite you to the

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which will take place on

Tuesday, October 16th, 2012
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
at Citadelle de Villefranche-sur-Mer
(Rue de la Citadelle - 06230 Villefranche-sur-Mer, France)

Map <https://maps.google.fr/maps?q=Citadelle+Saint-Elme,+Rue+de+la+Citadelle,+Villefranche-sur-Mer&hl=fr&sll=43.700572,7.290386&sspn=0.041885,0.090895&oq=Citadelle06230+VILLEFRANCHE+SUR+MER&hq=Citadelle+Saint-&t=m&cid=14942477790997549074&z=14&iwloc=A> 

Sharing experiences, presenting projects, panels will be part of the program, the intervention of French local authorities and Euro Mediterranean companies which experienced Open Data, ICT and Tourism projects will help you to understand how Open Data can impact on tourism industry and what Information and Communication Technologies can bring to its development.

The end of the afternoon will give the opportunity to discover the white paper about “Open Data, ICT and Tourism” elaborated by the Telecom Valley m-Tourism Group.


·         9:00-9:45 am : Welcome

·         9:45-12:45 am : "Testimonials : Open data, ICT & Tourism Euro Mediterranean projects"

(Conference in english and french)

o    Ecotourism in the Euro-Alps-Mediterranean Region - Italian/French companies Consortium (Darts Engineering, Confconsumatri Genova, Gruppo Sigla, Gter, Office du Tourisme de Gap, Synexie) 

o    TOURISMlink - Xema CARBO (Dome Consulting) (Spain)

o    Data.visitprovence.com - Gilles ROLLAND (Visitprovence.com) (France)

o    Citadel on the Move - Hervé RANNOU (International Items) (Belgium, France, UK, Greece, Portugal)

o    Open Natura 2000 and mobile guides for Slowinski National Park - Dariusz GLAZEWSKI, Pangeo (Poland).


·         2:00-3:30 pm : Round-table conference "Open data in local authorities"

(Round-table in french)

o    Thierry ARPIN-PONT - SGAR 13

o    Christian DELOM - Atout France

o    Gilles RABIN - Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur

o    Sophie TENDEIRO - Région PACA


·         4:00-6:00 pm : Presentations of Euro Mediterranean projects

(conference in french)

o    Sophie TENDEIRO (Région PACA) presenting HOMER project 

o    Philippe CALAMEL (ODYSSEA) presenting ODYSSEA project 



Registration <http://www.m-tourism-day.eu/> 

Registration deadline : Friday October the 12th

Attendance is free of charges. All attendees have to register.

m-Tourism Day's news and informations 


Organized by                                     In collaboration with

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For any further information, do not hesitate to contact Sandra BAYER at +334 832 880 50 or by e-mail at  <mailto:s.bayer at telecom-valley.fr> s.bayer at telecom-valley.fr. 

 We look forward to seeing you on October the 16th in Sophia Antipolis.

Telecom Valley Team
 <mailto:contact at telecom-valley.fr> contact at telecom-valley.fr
+334 929 420 60



Telecom Valley | CICA 2229, Route des Crêtes | 06560 Sophia Antipolis - FRANCE
Tel : +33 (0) | Fax : +33 (0)
 <mail-to:contact at telecom-valley.fr> contact at telecom-valley.fr 

Logo Métropole-HD .png  




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