[OKFN - Austria] Workshop in Vienna: Trust & Identity in the Internet
Vignoli Michela
Michela.Vignoli at ait.ac.at
Di Okt 27 15:12:44 UTC 2015
vielleicht von Interesse für ein paar von euch: siehe weitergeleitete Mail.
Liebe Grüße,
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2015 19:15:19 +0100
From: aestetix <aestetix at gmail.com<mailto:aestetix at gmail.com>>
To: metalab at lists.metalab.at<mailto:metalab at lists.metalab.at>
Subject: [Metalab] Upcoming Identity event (Vienna, 2-3 December)
Message-ID: <562E6DB7.3010209 at gmail.com<mailto:562E6DB7.3010209 at gmail.com>>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
It is in Vienna, Austria from 2-3 December 2015.
tl;dr: This event is an opportunity for privacy conscious people to have
a discussion with governments and corporations.
For context, it seemed like we needed more discussion with policymakers
in Europe about the issues around trust and identity. I reached out to
the organizer of this event and suggested the topic. As a result, there
is now a third focus topic:
"Privacy and Identity
While ?better? identities like Facebook?s real names or government
issued eIDs relieve certain security threats, they are against certain
privacy principles and result in a shifted risk equation. What are the
positions, options and best practices for actors in this ecosystem,
joining different jurisdictions across the Internet?"
One of the goals here is to open a channel to bridge the quite large
divide between government/business and privacy, and figure out if there
are better ways to handle a lot of the issues we're seeing today. The
"real" names issue is a big one, but there are many others (data
sharing, lack of accountability, etc).
PS: Let me know if you can make it, we're trying to get a list of the
privacy aware people to ensure all sides of the conversation are
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