[OKFN - Austria] Free Public Domain (Open Source) Tools & Scripts for Working the World's Largest Football Data Archive (in Ruby)

Gerald Bauer gerald.bauer at gmail.com
Di Sep 15 10:35:05 UTC 2015


  I've put together a new rsssf library [1] that that lets you work
with rsssf archive pages.

  What's the RSSSF?

  RSSSF stands for Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation [2]
  and collects football (soccer) league tables, match results and more
from all over the world online in plain text for over fifteen years.
   Today the rsss archive is the world's largest football data archive.
   (Note: I'm not associated with the RSSSF).

  Anyways, trying to get any of the plain text datasets into an SQL
database (with tables such as leagues, teams, matches, etc.)?

  The new rsssf scripts and repos get you started. Example:

    page = RsssfPage.from_url( 'http://www.rsssf.com/tablese/eng2015.html')

   schedule = page.find_schedule( header: 'Premier League')
  schedule.save( './1-premierleague.txt' )

  schedule = page.find_schedule( header: 'FA Cup', cup: true )
  schedule.save( './facup.txt' )

   Or working in batch (many seasons) using a repo:

  repo = RsssfRepo.new( './eng-england', title: 'England (and Wales)' )


    and so on. Questions? Comments? As always welcome.

    All code public domain. Enjoy the beautiful game. Cheers.

[1] https://github.com/sportdb/rsssf
[2] http://www.rsssf.com

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