[OKFN - Austria] wissensCamp Graz - free knowledge for an open society

Kaiser, Rene Rene.Kaiser at joanneum.at
Fr Apr 15 16:09:08 UTC 2016

Dear OKFN aficionados,
next weekend April 22-24 the Barcamp Graz will take place, an open, free-of-charge un-conference where people can meet and learn by sharing knowledge with each other and discussing. The program is defined at the start of each day in an ad-hoc manner, based on session proposals which everybody can bring forward. Details: http://barcamp-graz.at/

One of the tracks, the wissensCamp, this year especially welcomes topics related to science, e.g. open science, open access, research methodology and funding, best practices for PhD students, etc. Please consider attending this fun event, and spreading word about it, e.g. by sharing the following leaflet on the blackboard in your office/university: http://wm-forum.org/files/2016/03/wissensCamp16.pdf

Rene Kaiser
DIGITAL - Institute of Information and Communication Technologies

JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Steyrergasse 17, 8010 Graz, AUSTRIA

phone:  +43-316-876-1173
general fax: +43-316-876-1191
web:    http://www.joanneum.at/digital
e-mail: rene.kaiser at joanneum.at

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