[OKFN - Austria] Hacking wheelchairs: mobility makeathon 19.-20. February at Happylab Vienna
Sonja Fischbauer
sonja.fischbauer at gmail.com
Mi Jan 27 14:23:19 UTC 2016
Liebe Leute,
es gibt jetzt auch bei uns einen Blogartikel in deutscher Sprache zum Hackathon:
Freue mich sehr, wenn ihr den verbreitet!
Liebe Grüße,
PS.: Lieber Stefan Pawel, danke dir herzlich für den Stupser :)
Sonja Fischbauer
sonja.fischbauer at gmail.com
Am 27.01.2016 um 10:27 schrieb Sonja Fischbauer <sonja.fischbauer at gmail.com>:
> Liebe Leute,
> Ich lade euch im Namen der Open Knowledge ganz herzlich ein, mit uns anderthalb Tage lang Rollstühle zu hacken.
> Mobility Makeathon
> #HackOnWheels
> 19. - 20. February at Happylab Vienna
> register now: mobility-makeathon.beetwo.at
> —
> If you’re interested in digital manufacturing or want to hack wheelchairs: We need you!
> Participate in the Mobility Makeathon #HackOnWheels!
> Friday, 19. Feb, 16:00 - 19:00
> Saturday, 20. Feb, 10:00 - 19:00
> at Happylab Vienna
> It’s been done for bionic limbs, now why not for wheelchairs? During one and a half days of creative collaboration we will explore how digital manufacturing techniques (e.g. 3d printing, C&C milling, laser cutting) could revolutionize wheelchair design and transform the lives of the 65 million people worldwide who use them. All our results will be published under an open license.
> Your collaborators will act as mentors, provide input and help out with projects, among them Peter Purgathofer (TU Wien), Stefan Kasberger (Open Knowledge Austria) and Rachael Wallach (director of a leading disability organization). The event is hosted by Erste Hub, BeeTwo and Factline, in cooperation with Open Knowledge Austria and Happylab.
> Tickets are 100% free. We’ll provide the infrastructure as well as materials to create prototypes and models. We’ll also take care of food and drinks!
>> --
>> sonja.fischbauer at gmail.com
>> sonjafischbauer.com
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