[OKFN - Austria] Fireside chat with Rufus Pollock (Founder OKFN): 14th March @ Raum D, Wien
Stefan Kasberger
hello at stefankasberger.at
Mo Mär 7 10:45:49 UTC 2016
*We are happy to invite to an evening together with Rufus Pollock, the
founder of Open Knowledge.
Rufus recently moved into a non-executive position in Open Knowledge, so
it seems to be a good time to talk with him about more than 10 years of
Open Knowledge and the state of Open Data. The evening will start with
an informal and personal fireside chat, followed by questions from the
community. You can ask questions via Twitter (#AskRufus
before and during the event. The evening will be moderated by Stefan
Kasberger from Open Knowledge Austria. See more:
*When:* 14. March 2016, 19-21h (Entry 18h30)
*Where:* Raum D, Museumsquartier Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070, Wien
Meetup Event
Admission free
Cheers, Stefan
*Stefan Kasberger*
*T* +43 6607667461
*E* hello at stefankasberger.at
*T* @stefankasberger
*W* www.openscienceASAP.org
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