[OKFN - Austria] New Markdown News Channel @manuscriptsnews - Write 'n' Markup Books, Articles, Posts, etc. in Plain Text

Johann Höchtl johann.hoechtl at donau-uni.ac.at
Mo Mär 14 07:09:55 UTC 2016

On 2016-03-12 13:09, Gerald Bauer wrote:
> Hello,
>    If anyone is interested in open science or open access etc. I've
> started a news channel covering news, tools 'n' tips & tricks about
> writing books, articles, posts etc. in plain text with markdown.
>    - Markdown Lint Style Rule of the Day - #3 Use the same marker
> (-/*/+) for unordered lists throughout the document
>    - Awesome Markdown - A collection of awesome markdown libraries,
> services, editors, tools, cheatsheets & more
>    - Using Markdown with the kramdown Library and Tools by Thomas Leitner
>    - Did you know? kramdown includes automatic table of contents
> generation.  Use {:toc}.
>    - Wrote an article for the awesome CSS-Tricks on Choosing the right
> Markdown Parser
>    - HTML ↔︎ Markdown Quick Reference (Cheat Sheet) Incl. Tables,
> Emojis, Quotes, Dashes, Ellipses and More
>    - Book Quick Starter Kit (Manuscripts Edition) - Write your own book
> in plain text (with Markdown)
>    - And more
This is all great news, I would add

GitBook https://www.gitbook.com/

as services to collaboratively publish in markdown.

Editors like Atom 
and SublimeText 
http://cheng.logdown.com/posts/2015/06/30/sublime-text-3-markdown have 
great markdown support.

>    Follow along on twitter @manuscriptsnews [1].
>    Cheers
> PS: New to Markdown? Try the free interactive tutorial - Markdown in
> 10 minutes [2]
> [1] https://twitter.com/manuscriptsnews
> [2] http://commonmark.org/help/tutorial
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