[@OKFNau] OKFN Founder Rufus Pollock takes Sydney by Storm!

Anne Cregan anne at intersect.org.au
Wed Aug 28 14:06:53 UTC 2013

Just to let you know you can now read here a short blog about the Sydney 
leg of Rufus Pollock's "Open Knowledge Down Under" tour 
which has sadly now completed as Rufus moved on to Canberra today and is 
in Adelaide tomorrow.

Exciting stuff!  It links to the audio recording of Monday night's 
"Future of Open Knowledge" Public Forum at the University of Sydney, 
which is well worth a listen for the intelligent and considered 
discussion Rufus had with the audience about a wide range of Open Data 

Those who took pics at the Sydney events - we would be most appreciative 
if you would please send them through tookfn.sydney at gmail.com 
<mailto://okfn.sydney@gmail.com> if you are happy to share them.

Thankyou kindly!
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