[OKFN-AU] CKAN -au User Group

David F. Flanders david.flanders at ands.org.au
Wed Jul 17 23:48:19 UTC 2013

I've become increasingly aware of more data.state.gov moving over to CKAN,
perhaps we considered establishing an Australasia CKAN user/admin/dev
group?  I've three reasons for this (off the top of my head, additional
argument for and/or against appreciated):

a.) legal implications for Australasia will impact feature and functions
that need to be developed, e.g. rather than building features in isolation
pulling resources to build features such as a CKAN export to RDA?

b.) community based groups working with these systems and their APIs will
want standardisation around datasets, etc. i.e. common use of
schema.orgmetadata elements/URIs so there is a common API across all
data.state.gov instances?

c.) As a group we can better represent our interests back to the core OKFN
CKAN dev team, i.e. my contacts and understanding of the UK/EU based team
might help cut through some of the listserv blackhole that CKAN currently
seems to be experiencing, i.e. a letter sent to core CKAN with several
signatures requesting prioritization of a bug or a feature?

Most importantly, is the question of: is anyone being interested in leading
this Working Group?  My personal feeling is that it should be someone who
is somewhat neutral,. e.g. someone not running an instance of CKAN for
government.  Or perhaps someone who is associated with a CKAN but feel as
if they can state their bias clearly while chairing the group?

BTW this goes towards the new organisational structure for OKFN that Pia
and I have been discussing with the CKAN core team, TBA.  In theory the
structure has two sets of leaders/ambassadors.  One set to lead local
groups per city/state/territory (as per Govhack) and the other set to lead
special interest groups, e.g. data journalism (Craig/Marc), Open Census
(Alex), OpenGLAM (Geoff), CKAN (???), etc.

Kind Regards,


Flanders' Channels:
blog: http://dfflanders.wordpress.com/
twitter: http://twitter.com/dfflanders <https://twitter.com/dfflanders>
skype: david.flanders
mobile: 0407 821 686
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