[OKFN-AU] Fwd: [OKFN-Local-Coord] Open Data Census - Call to Action!!
Alex (Maxious) Sadleir
maxious at gmail.com
Wed Jun 5 01:51:18 UTC 2013
I volunteer myself - I was already doing that, check the Submitted By
attribution on the Australian entries! ;)
I also maintain datacatalogs.org entries for Australia so if anybody is
launching a new portal (or there is one missing), let me know.
Zara: Can I get access to edit the review spreadsheet, please?
On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 11:26 AM, David F. Flanders <
david.flanders at ands.org.au> wrote:
> Dear OKFN-au WG,
> I'm hoping one of you might be willing to step up and act as the curator
> for making sure Australia is represented on the Open Data Census platform,
> see email from Zara (international OKFN coordinator) below.
> This volunteer commitment would be approximately three days per year
> (broken up however you so please), including the following tasks:
> - You would need to check census.okfn.org quarterly to make sure the
> latest data is being made available.
> - We would hope for at least one blog post on the OKFN-au blog per
> year to provide an update on the international census data movement.
> - Email updates to the national listserv of any census news of
> interest.
> - No coding skills are required for this task, as if it was found that
> we needed to upload more data we would action an event or the like to do
> so. Though naturally we would need you involved in that event.
> - Good article/blog writing skills, and social media skills encouraged.
> - This work may potentially lead into an international hack event on
> international data day - further discussions will happen at OKFN-au of
> which Pia and I will be attending this year as Ambassador for Australia.
> - We are still working on the title of this role, but something like
> "Australian Open Census Ambassador" <-- OKFN would look to provide an
> official reference on your LinkedIn profile or the like for
> this volunteer role.
> Please note we'll be advertising for these volunteer ambassador roles on
> the OKFN-au blog however we'll always offer these responsibilities to our
> official working group first. Please do suggest someone if you think they
> would be well situated to take on this volunteer role.
> Further news:
> - We'll also be adding everyone who ticked the 'yes please add me to
> the OKFN listserv' from the GoHhack registration in the coming weeks :)
> Stay tuned.
> - Also further announcements with regards to Dr. Rufus Pollock's visit
> in July coming soon.
> - As always OKFN-au is looking to empower all open organisations in
> Australia so please do let me know how we can help promote your open
> efforts - together we can make more of a difference.
> Kind Regards, David F. Flanders
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Zara Rahman <zara.rahman at okfn.org>
> Date: 31 May 2013 00:50
> Subject: [OKFN-Local-Coord] Open Data Census - Call to Action!!
> To: Open Knowledge Foundation Local Coordinators Mailing List <
> okfn-local-coord at lists.okfn.org>, Christian Villum <
> christian.villum at okfn.org>
> Hi everyone,
> We want to improve the coverage of the Open Data Census (
> http://census.okfn.org/ <http://census.okfn.org/>) and verify existing
> contributions to ensure information is still up to date and reliable.
> We need your help in doing this! There are 2 aspects:
> -
> Contributing on countries where there is missing information - you can
> do this right now, just visit http://census.okfn.org/c<http://census.okfn.org/countries/>
> ountry/
> -
> Reviewing existing contributions - you will need access to the review
> spreadsheet<https://docs.google.com/a/okfn.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiWM2KV46Zt0dGxMVVo3c3JKZ2U0NHVzZVozSEJwdXc#gid=0>(just let us know and we can add you)
> We would also like to appoint Open Data Census editors who would oversee
> a country or region.
> This would involve a relatively small amount of time over the next
> couple of weeks (until June 12th) and would involve both adding
> information yourself and mobilizing input and expertise from colleagues
> to contribute.
> If you are interested in being an editor please just reply to this mail
> (this way we can coordinate efforts). Or, simply go to
> http://census.okfn.org/countries/ add information directly!
> We look forward to hearing from you!
> Best,
> Zara, Christian, Rufus and the rest of the OKF team
> --
> *Zara Rahman*
> *International Community Manager ** | @ <https://twitter.com/rmounce>**
> zararah <https://twitter.com/zararah>***
> *The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/>*
> *Empowering through Open Knowledge*
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> Blog <http://blog.okfn.org/> | Newsletter<http://okfn.org/about/newsletter>
> *
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> -------------------------------------------------------
> Flanders' Channels:
> blog: http://dfflanders.wordpress.com/
> twitter: http://twitter.com/dfflanders <https://twitter.com/dfflanders>
> skype: david.flanders
> mobile: 0407 821 686
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