[@OKFNau] News to Austrlaians from the Open Knowledge Conference in Geneva

David F. Flanders dff.okfn at gmail.com
Wed Oct 16 21:59:02 UTC 2013

Dear OKFNers here in Australia,

Recently I went to the OKCon in Geneva, of which I've started to highlight
some of the excellent activities I got up to, however I wanted to highlight
the opportunity for you (as part of OKFNau) to potential participate in
next year's conference.  We are looking to sponsor some of you in attending
the event in Germany next year and we'd be interested in hearing from those
of you who would like to go and why...?

Further information coming soon, including a couple of trip report blog
posts from yours truly, as a teaser:

  * What about an OKCon for Asia-Pacific region...?  A committee has formed
including Japan, Taiwan, HongKong, Bangalor, Korea and several others...
interested in becoming part of this truly innovative opportunity?

  * What about an international open data day, could we actually do a 48
hour hack that travelled around the world and back again, a way to truly
bring all the open data communities of the world together in a single round
the world event?!

  * OKFN is known for all of its events and the free training it is
essentially doing (especially via activities such as School of Data, Data
Journalism, Open Spending, Open Cencus, and so many more).  Is it time we
had a kind of badge system (think girl/boy scouts) where event organisers
could pass out digital badges for the skills that people acquire during

  * Perhaps most importantly is the number of different people I met from
around the world, attended by more than 900 people from 55 countries! There
are so many people that are engaged in this conversation over so many
different cultures! - A truly international movement that seems to only be
getting bigger!

Kind Regards,

David F. Flanders
co-Secretary to the Chair of the Board (interim)
Open Knowledge Foundation Network Australia
Listserv: http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/okfn-au
Blog: http://au.okfn.org/blog/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OKFNau

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: OKCon Team <info at okcon.org>
Date: Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 5:50 AM
Subject: [Reminder] Last days to join the Open Knowledge Conference 2013

Dear OKCon speakers, workshop organisers, participants, partners and

Thank you for your participation in OKCon 2013!

It has been fantastic event, spanning over a total of four days, spreading
out all around Geneva, attended by more than 900 people from 55 countries
on site and many more joining us online.

What did you think about OKCon 2013? We’d love to hear from you – fill out
the OKCon survey by October 20th!

 We would love to hear your thoughts on how the event went - what was good,
what was bad, and what we can learn from. We would be super grateful if you
could take 3 minutes to share your thoughts with us in this quick
October 20th.

Thank you very much for your time – we really appreciate it.

 How can you stay in touch?


   To help us bring the benefits of open knowledge to communities around
   the world find out how to get involved <http://okfn.org/get-involved%20>.
   We also welcome donations <http://okfn.org/support/donate> to the Open
   Knowledge Foundation to continue and expand our work;

   To support the work of OpenData.CH, get in touch at

   To see upcoming events run by Lift see http://liftconference.com.

We  hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. And we really hope to see
you at OKFestival
2014 <http://2014.okfestival.org/> next July!

All the best,

Beatrice - on behalf of your OKCon Team

Secretary to the Chair of the Board (interim)
Open Knowledge Foundation Network Australia
Listserv: http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/okfn-au
Blog: http://au.okfn.org/blog/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OKFNau
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