[@OKFNau] Dame Wendy Hall - Web Science talk at Sydney Uni this Thursday 3pm

Mark McDonald i at ii.net
Tue Oct 22 02:37:56 UTC 2013

I don't suppose anyone knows if there's a video stream available?


On 22 October 2013 13:07, Anne Cregan <anne.cregan at gmail.com> wrote:

>  Hi all,
> If you are in Sydney on Thursday you may be interested to attend this
> Basser talk on Web Science at Sydney Uni by Dame Wendy Hall, who is
> currently visiting Australia.   It's on this Thursday at 3pm-4pm:
> http://whatson.sydney.edu.au/events/published/basser-seminar-web-science-a-new-science-for-a-new-age
>  In this talk, Professor Wendy Hall will reflect on the evolution of the
> web. She will analyse the reasons why it became the first truly ubiquitous
> hypertext system against all competitors, and look both at the way it has
> evolved from a network of linked documents to a system that facilitates
> social networking on a scale previously unimaginable. Professor Hall will
> then look at how the web will evolve in the future as a network of linked
> data and beyond.
> The study of the web—its evolution and its impact on society, on business,
> and on government—is referred to as web science.  Another way of
> characterising this new discipline, which is inherently social-technical in
> nature, is as the theory and practice of social machines. To study social
> machines we need to develop new research methodologies and draw on many
> different disciplines. The talk will conclude by considering the progress
> that has been made so far in this important new area of research, and ways
> to tackle the major challenges going forward.
> Open to all but you do need to register - follow the link above to fill
> out the online registration form.
> Unfortunately I probably won't make it myself (ISWC2013 is on at the same
> time), but it certainly looks interesting.
> Regards,
> Dr Anne Cregan-Wolfe
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Mark McDonald
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