[@OKFNau] BarCamp Canberra on 15th March

Craig Thomler craig.thomler at gmail.com
Mon Feb 24 00:48:00 UTC 2014

Hi all,

The 7th BarCamp Canberra is coming up on Saturday 15 March at Gungahlin

As an open knowledge unconference, where any participant can present on a
topic of their choice, BarCamp fits neatly into the objectives of OKFN.

It is a great opportunity to showcase the work going on with OKFN
(particularly Canberra-based people like Rosie & Alex).

I hope the OKFN flag will be flown in a few presentations...

Full details are at the BarCampCanberra website: http://barcampcanberra.org

Register at:




Craig Thomler


*Mobile:* 0411 780 194 (*International:* +61 411 780 194)
*Phone:* 02 6254 4781 (*International: *+61 2 6254 4781)
*Skype:* craig.thomler

On 22 February 2014 17:42, Rosie Williams <budgetaus at hotmail.com> wrote:

> I am in the process of growing a community of people interested in
> BudgetAus at http://infoaus.net/forum/discussion/11/federal-budget#Item_5
> Don't quote anything (at least in the media) from the US budget which is
> linked into one of the forum posts at that link as I don't consider it
> finished.
> As you can see from the posts I have put on that forum, BudgetAus is a
> highly complex project and input from people is always useful to shape what
> data is useful to various groups.
> I am also planning an event/s in Sydney aimed at citizen journalists which
> also provide an opportunity for open data projects to present and workshop
> participation with the general public. More info is at
> http://infoaus.net/forum/discussion/20/events#Item_3
> thanks,
> Rosie Williams BA (Sociology)
> Founder & Developer InfoAus.net
>    ABN 90 345 143 783
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>   <http://www.facebook.com/budgetaus>| eXpenseAusFB<https://www.facebook.com/pages/Expenseaus/244247399060027?ref=hl>
>  | BudgetAus <http://infoaus.net/budget/budget_home.php> | eXpenseAus<http://infoaus.net/budget/expenses/expenses_home.php>|
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