[@OKFNau] looking for ideas

Keith Moss keithamoss at gmail.com
Tue Jan 7 00:07:55 UTC 2014

Hi Rosie,

I'll prod a friend at the ABS who knows that sort of thing and see if she
can help.

Sent from my Dishwasher
On 07/01/2014 4:31 am, "Rosie Williams" <budgetaus at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Please see the InfoAus newsletter at
> http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=109c99ba0377cbca81d6260d8&id=7cc4a34341&e=d288d777b9 for
> updates to my projects.
> I'm looking for ideas. I interact with a lot of people through Twitter and
> came across Les Victor who keeps a very comprehensive file of recent news
> articles with hashtags, topics and links on Google Drive at
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkbQG9GSsv-bdE55THgzZEJqMnJfcmFNeXBYcHBfd3c&usp=drive_web#gid=0
> Les and I are thinking about collaborating and I was wondering if anyone
> has any ideas for how to use the data collected so assiduously by Les?
> On another matter, is there anyone on the list who knows much about the
> various kinds of ABS data, in particular how often data grouped by
> boundaries smaller than states (LGA, electorates, suburb, postcode) are
> published? I'm trying to find the latest available data for this page of
> SEIFA Yourself http://infoaus.net/seifa/lga.php?locality=Bankstown
> I tried to ask the ABS directly but they found my question too difficult
> to answer and I thought I might get further making enquiries elsewhere.
> Rosie Williams BA (Sociology)
> Founder & Developer InfoAus.net
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>   <http://www.facebook.com/budgetaus>| eXpenseAusFB<https://www.facebook.com/pages/Expenseaus/244247399060027?ref=hl>
>                           BudgetAus<http://infoaus.net/budget/budget_home.php> |
> eXpenseAus <http://infoaus.net/budget/expenses/expenses_home.php> | SEIFA
> Yourself <http://infoaus.net/seifa/seifa_home.php>
>                                              ABN 90 345 143 783
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