[@OKau] FW: [Australia-Open-Data] Open Data from Space to Solve Drought in California

Rosie Williams budgetaus at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 10 21:06:25 UTC 2015

                                    Subject: [Australia-Open-Data] Open Data from Space to Solve Drought in California
To: australia-open-data-announce at meetup.com
From: Steven Adler
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2015 14:31:07 -0400

Last Week, California announced water rationing to fight the drought that has plagued the state for five years. The rationing expects consumers to cut back on water usage by 25%, but consumers only account for 10% of California's water consumption. Agriculture accounts for 80% and there is a huge opportunity to use Open Data to improve how California Agriculture uses scarce water resources.

The US Department of Agriculture has launched the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition Program (GODAN), whose goal is to improve how agricultural resources are utilized with Open Data. In this webinar we will explore the GODAN program with USDA Under Secretary Dr. Catherine Woteki, review NASA Satellite Open Data on California Agriculture and water consumption patterns with NASA's Jeanne Holm, and discuss together how Precision Agriculture can dramatically improve water conservation and provide the State and the Nation with a new era of growth and innovation.

This will be the first of many webinars exploring Open Data and Open Governance topics from many perspectives.


1. Introduction - Steve Adler, IBM

2. The Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition Program - USDA Under Secretary Dr. Catherine Woteki

3. NASA Open Data on Agriculture and Weather - 

Jeanne Holm, Chief Knowledge Architect at NASA JPL

4. Data Science Roundtable Discussion

The call will be recorded and the replay will be published as Open Data.

Join the IBM Open Governance Council and RSVP to participate here: 


Best Regards,


Motto: "Do First, Think, Do it Again"


This message was sent by Steven Adler  from Australia Open Data.

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