[@OKau] what is open data good for?

Rosie Williams budgetaus at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 11 04:16:08 UTC 2015

Hello everyone,
My plan for the upcoming open data event aims to bring together topic experts with hackers and government to work on problems relating to inequality in Australia. 
Yesterday I participated in two Twitter chats, the #justjustice campaign currently being run by Croakey (health blog for Crikey.com) which is focused on improving health outcomes for incarcerated Indigenous people and #disabilityabuse which was focused on raising awareness of the problem of sexual abuse against people with disability within institutions. 
The need for data was raised in both these discussions. As a result I have added a couple of pages to the open data projects wiki I am administering to assist in planning toward open data projects that aim to solve these issues.
There is a page for providing problem descriptions at  http://infoaus.net/projects/index.php/Problems_that_open_data_can_help_solve and a separate page to list the data sets that people would like to have opened at http://infoaus.net/projects/index.php/Requested_Data_Sets These pages are just stubs at the time of writing.
I thought the latter would be useful for government. I aim to get the people working with/researching these client groups to act as topic experts advising government, developers and other collaborators in creating informed open data projects aimed at addressing these and other issues as they emerge.
I am looking at running a Twitter chat to facilitate planning (rather than try to do it all through this or other list). Most people seem to be on Twitter and I think the event and projects could benefit from pre-planning.  I'll post details about that as they are confirmed.

Rosie Williams BA (Sociology)________________________________________

 NoFibs.com.au - Open Data Reporter InfoAus.net - Founder and Developer 
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