[@OKau] what is open data good for?

Steven De Costa steven.decosta at linkdigital.com.au
Sat Apr 11 08:20:01 UTC 2015

Sounds cool Rosie,

Is this still being linked in any way with the international open data
conference in May, apart from it being around the same time?


*EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR*www.linkdigital.com.au

On 11 April 2015 at 14:16, Rosie Williams <budgetaus at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> My plan for the upcoming open data event aims to bring together topic
> experts with hackers and government to work on problems relating to
> inequality in Australia.
> Yesterday I participated in two Twitter chats, the #justjustice campaign
> currently being run by Croakey (health blog for Crikey.com) which is
> focused on improving health outcomes for incarcerated Indigenous people and
> #disabilityabuse which was focused on raising awareness of the problem of
> sexual abuse against people with disability within institutions.
> The need for data was raised in both these discussions. As a result I have
> added a couple of pages to the open data projects wiki I am administering
> to assist in planning toward open data projects that aim to solve these
> issues.
> There is a page for providing problem descriptions at
> http://infoaus.net/projects/index.php/Problems_that_open_data_can_help_solve and
> a separate page to list the data sets that people would like to have opened
> at http://infoaus.net/projects/index.php/Requested_Data_Sets
> These pages are just stubs at the time of writing.
> I thought the latter would be useful for government. I aim to get the
> people working with/researching these client groups to act as topic experts
> advising government, developers and other collaborators in creating
> informed open data projects aimed at addressing these and other issues as
> they emerge.
> I am looking at running a Twitter chat to facilitate planning (rather than
> try to do it all through this or other list). Most people seem to be on
> Twitter and I think the event and projects could benefit from
> pre-planning.  I'll post details about that as they are confirmed.
> Rosie Williams BA (Sociology)
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