[@OKau] 3rd International Open Data Conference (May)

Steven De Costa steven.decosta at linkdigital.com.au
Fri Apr 3 05:11:19 UTC 2015

Re the 27th and CKAN this is a work in progress. Watch the channel for
updates but I'm hoping it will be a great knowledge sharing and networking
event for CKAN platform owners. Not entirely technical.

On Friday, April 3, 2015, Rosie Williams <budgetaus at hotmail.com> wrote:

> I might just seek to clarify what you've said to ensure I've got it
> straight:
> You are going to be asking people who work for the gov in open data to go
> to the Ottowa event to make face to face presentations etc? You are hoping
> to share this workshop online via Google hangout.
> There is another event on the 27th May (Australian time?) . This is a CKAN
> specific event to get feedback from gov users of the platform? Is this
> virtual or face to face?
> Rosie Williams BA (Sociology)
> ________________________________________
>  NoFibs.com.au <http://nofibs.com.au> - Open Data Reporter
>  InfoAus.net <http://infoaus.net> - Founder and Developer
> ------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2015 13:12:34 +1100
> From: steven.decosta at linkdigital.com.au
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','steven.decosta at linkdigital.com.au');>
> To: okfn-au at lists.okfn.org
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','okfn-au at lists.okfn.org');>
> Subject: Re: [@OKau] 3rd International Open Data Conference (May)
> For the IODC in May there is a 99% chance I'll be hosting a workshop as
> per the info below. Just waiting on something official to confirm it.
> I'm developing a business case template that people can use to try and get
> funding/leave to attend the Ottowa event and should have that sent around
> to this list soon (this weekend). I'm trying really hard to get physical
> representation from key people in federal and/or state Government at the
> workshop as I think Australia is doing lots of great stuff that we should
> be sharing with everyone :) The idea is to have co-hosts from AU Govt named
> in the agenda if approvals come through.
> During the workshop session (assuming it officially gets onto the agenda)
> I hope to run a hangout on air so that the session can be shared. It
> depends on the local logistics once I'm there, but it should be feasible.
> In addition to this the CKAN Association Steering Group have discussed
> holding a CKAN specific event on the 27th of May, which is between the
> Canada specific event and the IODC event (all in Ottawa that week).
> Minutes from the SG meeting are up here:
> http://ckan.org/2015/04/01/bazinga-minutes-from-the-ckan-association-steering-group-1-april-no-joke/
> Anyhoo - the point is that there should be opportunities to cross over
> between locations, even if not in real time, and help people make some
> connections between the events.
> You can see from the info I submitted below that I was pitching to have an
> open source artifact developed as part of the process.
> Hoots!
> *Focus:* a workshop
> *Initiative*: Call for Sharing
> *Title*: Methods agencies can use to automate data publishing and the use
> of open data for Government service delivery
> *Description:*
> I suggest hosting a workshop on the methods agencies can use to automate
> data publishing and the use of open data for Government service delivery.
> This would be a practical workshop influenced by our experience working
> with various Government agencies in Australia, and our involvement with
> GovHack. It would aim to draw out the experience of all attendees to open
> up a broad discussion. We'll focus on those ideas which begin to illustrate
> best practices for data publishing and data use. The workshop would be
> oriented around the creation of a list of learnings taken from all
> participants and would be documented further after the workshop via ongoing
> collaboration with interested participants. The resulting paper would be
> published as an open source artifact.
> To open discussion, short case studies of 5-10 minutes would be presented.
> These can be modified over the next few months, but possibilities include:
> 1. Discussion of the Data First Media Platform that Link Digital is
> building for the ACT Government. This is a digital asset management system
> based on CKAN which includes a number of automated ingest methods.
> 2. Practices around information asset registers of private data that are
> moderated for publishing into an open data portal. Data.vic.gov.au
> <http://data.vic.gov.au/> and data.nsw.gov.au are examples we can draw on.
> 3. Practices around the intra-jurisdictional cross linking of datasets to
> create portals with datasets made discover-able from multiple
> jurisdictions.
> 4. Discussion of the GovHack success model, which promotes Agency datasets
> within a community of 1500+ developers each year.
> 5. Discussion on education practices for data custodians, drawing on the
> work done by data.gov.au through its ongoing creation of custodian
> resources.
> *EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR*www.linkdigital.com.au
> On 2 April 2015 at 09:53, Rosie Williams <budgetaus at hotmail.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','budgetaus at hotmail.com');>> wrote:
> The topic of the International Open Data Conference came up on Twitter a
> few days ago. http://opendatacon.org/
> People agreed that it would be good to have an event but everyone was too
> busy to be organiser. Having been made co-organiser of the Australian
> Open Data meetup founded late last year by Steven Adler (Chief Information
> Strategist at IBM - NY), I realised this was a good motivation to plan an
> event for late May which, among other things, would lead into regular open
> data meetups in Sydney.
> I invited people who showed interest to join the list here to help plan
> the event but wanted to get a venue settled before pursuing discussion. I'm
> new to event management but thought that settling on a figure for attendees
> (as a pre-requisite to booking a venue) would be the best way to begin.
> I've decided on a figure of 60 people however I'd like a bit of lee-way but
> that will depend on the venue. I was also hoping to make it a day long
> event on one of the last Saturday's in May so that more people can get to
> it and actually get stuff done.
> I did get a generous offer of one venue that might take this number but it
> was more suited to social events and I'm not sure it has the appropriate
> technology. Fishburners would probably make a day available but it is not
> open weekends. I'm asking around at Google which is in Pyremont and waiting
> on a reply there. If it is a weekend event I thought Pyremont/Darling
> Harbour would make a nice setting but there are also benefits to being
> closer to the city.
> Alvaro has mentioned the state library might have an appropriate space so
> that would be worth following up.
> That is where planning is up to at this stage.
> cheers,
> Rosie Williams BA (Sociology)
> ________________________________________
>  NoFibs.com.au <http://nofibs.com.au> - Open Data Reporter
>  InfoAus.net <http://infoaus.net> - Founder and Developer
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*EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR*www.linkdigital.com.au
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