[@OKau] Kellie Tranter on the OGP

Steven De Costa steven.decosta at linkdigital.com.au
Wed Apr 8 02:37:16 UTC 2015

I agree! Rosie is doing tops stuff :)

Something I'd like to raise with this list is how we enable people to share
their insights and opinions via the OKAU blog. It is easy to write
something uncontroversial and post it up. Board minutes, news about
something in the public domain and updates from meetups are all examples.

However, when putting up something that is in reaction to, or opposition to
something in the public domain then the message would need to be one of the

1. The opinion of the poster
2. The broad consensus opinion of OKAU
3. Some other consensus opinion (such as the Melbourne group, or a
particular working group area).

So as to enable quick responses on topical issues of the day I think we'd
need to go with the default position that all posts are the opinion of the
author. However, if we are to truly amplify the message of something then
we'd need an agreed mechanism for things to be escalated as the combined
voice of OKAU.

We have a similar situation with the response to the metadata sharing
contribution that was made by OKAU.

I think we'd easily find consensus on both the metadata comments and the
comments on releasing spending data (while also encouraging more), so maybe
this is a good time to put the question to the group.

What mechanism are we happy to use to arrive at a position where a public
statement can be made as 'the voice of Open Knowledge Australia'?

I ran into this last night when thinking about where to post the following:

It is something that might be relevant for ckan.org or au.okfn.org, but as
it is largely an opinion piece I thought it best to not assume anything and
check with people later.

Maybe I'm over thinking this and we should aim to simply post interesting
and relevant items as they come up (as the opinion of the author). The post
comments are then an easy place for further public discussion...

What do others think?


*EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR*www.linkdigital.com.au

On 8 April 2015 at 12:11, Cobi Alison Smith <cobi.smith at unimelb.edu.au>

>  Thanks for sharing Rosie; I hadn't seen this. One of the things Steven
> and I talked about off-list is how I'd love to see current Open Knowledge
> campaigns reflected on the agenda within Australia:
> https://okfn.org/get-involved/campaigns/
>  you're doing awesome work in this space Rosie - I appreciate it.
>  (reminder - I think you'd be a great Shuttleworth fellow!
> https://www.shuttleworthfoundation.org/applications/ )
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* okfn-au [okfn-au-bounces at lists.okfn.org] on behalf of Rosie
> Williams [budgetaus at hotmail.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 8 April 2015 11:21 AM
> *To:* okfn-au at lists.okfn.org
> *Subject:* [@OKau] Kellie Tranter on the OGP
>   Kellie Tranter has a piece in On Line Opinion today about Australia's
> participation in the Open Government Partnership.
>  http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=17233
>  I'm happy to see people writing about open government and transparency
> although I disagree with Ms Tranter that the government is not opening data
> relevant to government spending. Since I've been working with open data,
> the government has made significant inroads into opening spending
> information and improving the way financial information is published by
> government.
>  In fact, the Audit Commission Report made specific mention of the desire
> to improve accountability and transparency around spending information,
> including program evaluation.
> http://nofibs.com.au/2014/05/05/17908/
> Rosie Williams BA (Sociology)
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