[@OKau] opensourced tech specs

Rosie Williams budgetaus at hotmail.com
Wed May 20 01:47:31 UTC 2015

Thanks Steven, 
As to your question about purpose/usefulness of a spec, apart from assisting me or other developers in knowing what is going on, the idea came to mind as a way of being transparent about what I'm offering people. I intend to crowdfund and given I'm crowdsourcing requirements, it seems appropriate for me to document what I'm implementing back to the users who have made the requests. 
Without a specification it would be hard for other developers to contribute any code as they would have no idea where the development is going. It's interesting how difficult the question of having agile documentation is in the context of the current industry emphasis on agile coding practices. Perhaps they can function separately?

Rosie Williams BA (Sociology)________________________________________
 NoFibs.com.au - Open Data Reporter | InfoAus.net - Founder and Developer 
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