[@OKau] Light at the end of the tunnel

Steven De Costa steven.decosta at linkdigital.com.au
Fri Sep 25 23:46:14 UTC 2015

Yep she only confirmed it recently and is going to send me s blurb soon. I
might something in the to at least give some detail in a minute. Am still
updating http://AU.okfn.org at the moment.

New look website is looking nice :)

On Saturday, September 26, 2015, Rosie Williams <budgetaus at hotmail.com>

> Anne-Marie's preso sounds fabulous but I don't see the details on the
> site.
> Rosie Williams BA (Sociology)
> ________________________________________
>  NoFibs.com.au <http://nofibs.com.au> - Open Data Reporter | InfoAus.net
> <http://infoaus.net> - Founder and Developer
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2015 09:03:41 +1000
> From: steven.decosta at linkdigital.com.au
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','steven.decosta at linkdigital.com.au');>
> To: okfn-au at lists.okfn.org
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','okfn-au at lists.okfn.org');>
> Subject: Re: [@OKau] Light at the end of the tunnel
> They are every fortnight :)
> http://www.meetup.com/Open-Knowledge-Canberra/
> Next one is 8 October (two on the same day) but I'll be in the US at the
> time and unable to join by video due to other committments.
> Anne-Marie Elias is going to present at the first one and raise the topic
> of domestic violence to get a discussion going on what OK Australia might
> do in that area - might be a hack, and longer term challenge or an ongoing
> initiative.
> There is then a dedicate Open Council Data one for onboarding more people
> from within councils into that initiative.
> Two weeks from that would be the next opportunity for a presentation, so
> that would be the 22nd of October :)
> Would be great to catch up again.
> Cheers,
> Steven
> *EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR*www.linkdigital.com.au
> On 26 September 2015 at 08:36, Rosie Williams <budgetaus at hotmail.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','budgetaus at hotmail.com');>> wrote:
> Hi Steven,
> I'm just about done on my first presentation. I'll be putting it online
> some time soon. It will help people make sense of the site. I'll be doing
> up more for different purposes- just had to get the main functionality
> sorted before I could do much documentation.
> I have a couple of friends in Canberra with a strong interest in budget
> transparency. Despite our strong friendships I've never actually met them
> face to face. It's probably about time I did so a trip to Canberra might be
> a good opportunity to get together for the meetup.
> Are you running them monthly?
> Rosie Williams BA (Sociology)
> ________________________________________
>  NoFibs.com.au <http://nofibs.com.au> - Open Data Reporter | InfoAus.net
> <http://infoaus.net> - Founder and Developer
> ------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2015 16:50:05 +1000
> From: steven.decosta at linkdigital.com.au
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','steven.decosta at linkdigital.com.au');>
> To: okfn-au at lists.okfn.org
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','okfn-au at lists.okfn.org');>
> Subject: Re: [@OKau] Light at the end of the tunnel
> Congrats on finding that light Rosie!
> In some cases a good effort and goodwill are the only reward. I know you
> have been working hard and putting your heart and soul into this initiative
> for a long time.
> It would be awesome to have you present some of the details at one of the
> forthcoming OK CBR meetups so just ping me if you'd like to schedule a time
> :)
> Cheers,
> Steven
> *EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR*www.linkdigital.com.au
> On 25 September 2015 at 16:24, Rosie Williams <budgetaus at hotmail.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','budgetaus at hotmail.com');>> wrote:
> I've been struggling a bit over the past weeks getting a grip on the huge
> project I have undertaken. I finally feel I'm getting somewhere. I'm still
> on the New Enterprise Incentive Scheme thanks to some donations. I have
> some plans for the #OpenAus chats moving forward so I thought I'd post my
> latest blog post here:
> https://openaus.net.au/blog/2015/09/25/openaus-qa/
> Give or take a few bugs, I finally seem to be getting on top of things at
> OpenAus. Building such a complex site to address financial and political
> transparency questions in such a short time-frame has been a huge
> challenge. The site has been through a rapid evolutionary process over the
> past weeks while I figured out the best way make usable searches totalling Commonwealth
> grants data, tenders data and budget data <https://openaus.net.au/>.
> I've taken out some functionality to simplify navigation while integrating
> data from different sources to produce an entirely new level of financial
> information. I am also in the process of re-designing the user interface to
> make it mobile ready and vastly simplify navigation to access data. It has
> been a real challenge keeping up with my own evolving vision for the site
> and after some weeks I am finally approaching something that is both
> powerful and easy to use- not an easy combination of requirements to meet!
> I will be building apps to provide further functionality so I'm in for a
> busy few months. The change of ministry brought with it movements of some
> government functions to other agencies
> <http://www.dpmc.gov.au/sites/default/files/files/AAO_amendment_21_Sept_2015.pdf>. Structural
> changes are normally announced for implementation in the May budget so this
> new movement of functions and agencies from one portfolio (and Minister) to
> another will mean a busy time for me updating the existing data mid-cycle
> at BudgetAus <https://openaus.net.au/budget/index.php>. I've also added
> an easy way to find program cuts and increases to BudgetAus
> <https://openaus.net.au/budget/index.php> along with the latest revision
> of the Register of Organisations data.
> Balanced against all this coding is my weekly chat to keep in touch with
> people via the #openaus <https://twitter.com/search?q=%23openaus&src=typd> hashtag
> on Twitter. I was originally planning on focusing on a different topic each
> week but found that I was struggling to find the time to blog about each
> week's discussion- useful though they are. While I do need to catch up with
> everyone on a weekly basis for my own sanity as much as anything, I have
> changed the topic focus events to monthly on the 2nd Sat each month.
> Given the current refugee crisis, I've set down October 10th topic as Asylum
> Seekers <http://infoaus.net/projects/index.php/Asylum_seekers>. November
> 14th will be Housing and Homelessness
> <http://infoaus.net/projects/index.php/Housing_homelessness>. Regular
> chats run from 10-11am Saturday mornings but you can post to the hashtag at
> any time. I am building a list of resources for open data projects on these
> topics and will be publishing Q&A's with insiders on these topics to
> coincide with the chats. The chats are a place to find people who share
> common interests & share resources.
> I'd like to thank everyone who has been patient with the development of
> what has been my very complex beast OpenAus. I wondered myself from time to
> time if I'd ever come to a point where I felt I had achieved my goals but
> now feel the time is close at hand. If you would like to support the work I
> do please visit the sponsorship page
> <https://openaus.net.au/contribute.php>. Your help means I can pay for my
> servers and over time hopefully build up an income to support the important
> work in financial transparency in the longer term.
> Rosie Williams BA (Sociology)
> ________________________________________
>  NoFibs.com.au <http://nofibs.com.au> - Open Data Reporter | InfoAus.net
> <http://infoaus.net> - Founder and Developer
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