[Okfn-bf] Fwd: [ODB Research] New Open Data job opportunity at the Web Foundation - Open Data Research Officer
Teg-wende Idriss TINTO
tinto.jean at titinto.net
Lun 14 Mar 12:08:37 UTC 2016
Bonjour à tous,
Web foundation cherche un open data research officer.
Bonne chance
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [ODB Research] New Open Data job opportunity at the Web
Foundation - Open Data Research Officer
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2016 12:53:20 +0100
From: Carlos Iglesias <carlos.iglesias at webfoundation.org>
Reply-To: odbresearch at opendatabarometer.org
To: odbresearch at opendatabarometer.org
Hello everyone,
We have a new job opportunity at the Web Foundation that may be
especially interesting for some of you as it is closely connected with
the Open Data Barometer work you all have been supporting so far.
If you want to help drive all research and innovation aspects of the Web
Foundation’s portfolio of activities related to measurement of impact,
such as the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) and the Open Data
Barometer, and play a role in other open data projects and
collaborations including the Open Data for Development network (OD4D),
the International Open Data Charter and the International Open Data
Conference (IODC) you should have a look at the full job description
at http://webfoundation.org/about/jobs/
You can send your CV and a short motivational letter
to jobs at webfoundation.org <mailto:jobs at webfoundation.org> with ‘Open
Data Research Officer’ in the subject line.
Applications are open until 27 March 2016.
Please, feel free to share also with your networks in case you think it
may be also interesting for anybody else.
All best wishes,
Carlos Iglesias
Open Data Senior Researcher
Asturias, Spain
skype: carlos.iglesias.skype
mobile: +34 687 917 759
twitter: @carlosiglesias
World Wide Web Foundation | 1110 Vermont Ave NW, Suite 500, Washington
DC, 20005, USA | www.webfoundation.org <http://www.webfoundation.org/> |
Twitter: @webfoundation
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