[okfn-br] Brazilian chapter focus
gravem em gmail.com
gravem em gmail.com
Quarta Novembro 2 21:35:14 UTC 2011
Oi Everton,
ela se chama Shana Sudbrack. O email é shana.sudbrack em gmail.com.
Basendo-se nos dados que o Luis Fernando tem disponíveis podemos elaborar
algo bem bacana :)
On 2 November 2011 18:39, Everton Zanella Alvarenga <everton137 em gmail.com>wrote:
> 2011/11/1 gravem em gmail.com <gravem em gmail.com>:
> > my journalist wannabe friend is deep focused on her exams right now, but
> I'm
> > interested in start the project, it's very tempting being able to save
> lives
> > with my job. Could you please start a conversation with Luis Fernando to
> get
> > the data you mentioned?
> I will do it soon. May you please send me in private the email of this
> student? I will contact Luis Fernando and, when he answer, I introduce
> you two.
> Cheers,
> Tom
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