[okfn-br] [thackday] Caixa Econômica Federal vai abrir pregão de R$ 112 mi para Microsoft
Luiz Augusto
lugusto em gmail.com
Segunda Agosto 26 20:59:05 UTC 2013
Eu queria apenas um dado complementar, para minha análise pessoal: Luís
Fernando Patrici é funcionário de carreira da Caixa, comissionado ou de
carreira com bônus comissional?
On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 10:03 AM, Vagner <vagner.diniz em gmail.com> wrote:
> Reproduzo aqui o post do amigo Luiz Fuzaro no Facebook sobre o assunto.
> Chamo a atenção para o post da Microsoft e a resposta da 4Linux.
> Vagner.
> _________________________
> Luiz Fuzaro:
> Aos meus amigos da Comunidade de Software Livre. Aproveito para dar os
> Parabéns ao Rodolfo Gobb da 4linux pela sua resposta a matéria abaixo.
> Peço que compartilhe este assunto. Não basta só curtir tem que mostrar
> para estes camaradas que estamos aqui e estamos de olho.
> Esta frase é para os camaradas da Caixa Económica Federal - CEF que
> participaram da sacanagem abaixo.
> "A prosperidade de alguns homens públicos do Brasil é uma prova evidente
> de que eles vêm lutando pelo progresso do nosso subdesenvolvimento"
> Deixo claro aqui que tenho vergonha de ser patrício do Luís Fernando
> Patrici.
> Openness Customer Spotlight: Caixa Econômica Federal Turns to Microsoft
> Solutions for Cost Savings and Improved Interoperability
> 19 Aug 2013 8:00 AM
> Posted by Luís Fernando Patrici
> Account Executive, Microsoft Brazil
> Established in 1861, Caixa Econômica Federal is not just a bank, it’s an
> institution that impacts the lives of millions in Brazil. The 100% public
> company has a key role in promoting urban development and social
> initiatives across country, giving priority to sectors such as housing and
> public services and contributing significantly to improve the lives of
> citizens, especially those of low income.
> Recently, Caixa was looking to significantly revitalize its IT solutions
> to support growth, accelerate decision making, and take advantage of the
> transformative benefits of cloud solutions and mobile integration. At the
> same time, they needed to ensure new technologies would work well with
> existing IT investments, including open source software.
> Caixa decided to implement a robust suite of Microsoft solutions,
> including Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, and Office, to better support its
> 118,000 employees and 3,000 branches. Now Caixa is realizing a broad
> range of efficiency improvements – from streamlined communications to
> enhanced mobile productivity to significant cost savings.
> In one year there have been impressive results, including the migration of
> 140,000 mailboxes, almost 40,000 desktops running Windows 8, and 100,000
> users migrated from ISA Sever to Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG)
> Server using Microsoft Reputation Services (MRS).
> Employees and management alike are pleased with the improved functionality
> and business agility. “I believe this will revolutionize the way we work at
> Caixa,” said Marcelo Xavier, IT Consultant at Caixa.
> Caixa’s new Microsoft solutions integrated well with their existing IT,
> including some legacy and open source solutions, such as OpenLDAP, Expresso
> Email, Apache web server and PostGreSQL.
> Caixa is representative of a broader trend of previously open source
> customers embracing Microsoft technologies, or a mix of Microsoft and open
> source solutions. We’re fortunate to regain their business, as
> organizations have seen Microsoft investing heavily in work with open
> source vendors and communities, in supporting standard document formats
> like ODF, in building rich integration with Linux on the desktop and the
> server, and in mainstreaming the new stack of web standards like HTML5.
> They like that we have made a commitment to ensure our technology works
> well with others, combined with the overall platform value we deliver.
> Watch the below video [in Portuguese with English subtitles] to learn
> about how Caixa’s solution is delivering cost savings, improved
> collaboration, and increased productivity across the organization.
> ------------------------------------------
> Resposta do Rodolfo 4Linux.
> Hello Luis Fernando,
> My name is Rodolfo Gobbi and I am the CEO of 4Linux (www.4linux.com.br).
> 4Linux was the company that supported Caixa with the implementation of
> Linux in ATM and lottery machines for 5 years. Caixa has been
> without support in this environment since October 2011 and currently 4Linux
> supports Caixa in the ExpressoMail (an Open Source email solution).
> Regarding the above news, I have both a 'request' and a 'congratulations':
> 1 – It would be much more transparent and would give much more credibility
> if in the body of the news you explain the 'cost savings' mentioned in the
> title. To do justice to the words 'open dialogue' in the slogan
> of 'openness' could you show us data that gives support for the cost
> reduction affirmations in this project.
> As there are people who do not agree with your point of view of reducing
> costs, and believe that Caixa did not make a good deal on this purchase and
> made a complaint to the Federal Prosecutors in Brasilia ( protocolo
> PR-DF-00021539/2012 - Peça de Informação nº /2012-77 ) and
> also to the Federal Prosecutors in Rio de Janeiro (Public Complaint No.
> and registered under No. 2012.06.21.152413) I
> believe that if you show concrete data on this cost reduction you might
> clarify doubts that people have regarding this subject.
> 2 - I would like to congratulate you for being able to record and post a
> testimonial video with this case ( even in PILOT stage) and use the
> excellent reputation of Caixa to generate new business for Microsoft.
> 4Linux implemented Linux in more than 80,000 financial terminals serving
> the citizens and customers of Caixa. 4Linux repeatedly tried to generate a
> testimonial video like the one you have generated and many times heard
> the phrase 'it is not the role of a public company to give testimony to
> leverage business of private company'. Linux in ATM and in the TFL is
> already in FULL production for YEARS and your project is still in PILOT (as
> affirmed in testimony on video but unlike what you wrote in your article),
> facing the typical problems in projects of this size, but you have already
> got the authorization to disclose testimonials! The same explanation of "it
> is not the role of a public company to leverage business of a private
> company" was used regarding donations. 4Linux tried unsuccessfully to
> donate Linux courses to Caixa employees in order to train people how to use
> Linux and make it more useful inside Caixa and was forbidden. Microsoft can
> donate through this contract (among other free benefits) more than 15,000
> licenses so Caixa employees can make use of the Office package at home,
> something that Caixa customers and other people in Brazil can not do.
> Comentário: Samuel Santiago.
> I wonder, IF your statements are true about courses and testimony.. and
> the CEF do that for microsoft a foreign company and deny this for a
> brazilian company.... maybe some CEO or Political recived a free travel or
> a new car....
> Pliss show prove about CEF deny your solicitation about free course and we
> will make some noise about it.
> On 25/08/2013, at 23:15, Marcelo Costa wrote:
> Pelo que li, a petição é para tentar barrar a segunda onda de compras.
> Eu acho que valeria uma analisada mais aprofundada e pedir aos nossos
> amigos universitários jornalistas publicar algo questionando os diretores
> da CEF no segundo link encaminhado pelo Tom.
> O governo federal anda tão melindrado que qualquer coisa que saia na mídia
> faz com que os olhos de Sauron fiquem em alerta e pelo menos dê uma
> refletida.
> Marcelo Costa
> -------------------------------------------------
> http://www.infoq.com/br/author/Marcelo-Costa
> 2013/8/25 Everton Zanella Alvarenga <everton137 em gmail.com>
>> Em 25 de agosto de 2013 23:05, Diego Rabatone <diraol em diraol.eng.br>
>> escreveu:
>> > O link do Tom é de 2012, vale ressaltar.
>> Haha, bem observado, Rabatone. (Caí na questão da data vendo amigos
>> compartilhando esse link em redes sociais. Mas esse abaixo assinado da
>> Avaaz foi criado dia 24 de agosto de 2013.)
>> Bem, então acho que já era. Talvez valha a pena, no momento, tentar
>> descobrir o que ocorreu de lá para cá nisso daí. No site da Caixa há
>> demonstrativos financeiros
>> http://www14.caixa.gov.br/portal/acaixa/home/informacoes_financeiras/balancos_demonstrativos/demonstrativos-financeiros
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