[okfn-br] novidades da SunLight - Update: Explore the U.S. Senate, Healthcare.gov, OpenCongress, Sunlight's Academic Fellows and more!

Carolina Rossini carolina.rossini em gmail.com
Sexta Novembro 8 16:33:41 UTC 2013

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From: Ellen Miller <emiller em sunlightfoundation.com>

      [image: contact]<http://images.myngp.com/LinkTracker.aspx?crypt=IVi0ax2%2b6UBSinc%2fCPYaKRbcP8yFGqFZZ5JtyGWE6DEJUUMYOqY4RrJfwBXuujxTywRnkBU7dtKCtrcRFgB0afRTmJFmBcXHZDGg6%2f0PVX9IbbvjHbMx73mkO7UHeoEJ>
Sunlight Foundation
.  *November 2013* Issue 31  .....
 What you'll discover this month

 [image: arrow]

Lack of Transparency in Contracting

 [image: arrow]

Explore the U.S. Senate

 [image: arrow]

Political Influence by County

 [image: arrow]

Get the Scoop on Congress

 [image: arrow]

Local Campaign Finance Data

 [image: arrow]

RealTime FEC Tracker

 [image: arrow]

Sunlight's Academic Fellows Program

 [image: arrow]

and more!

        Lack of Transparency Surrounding Contracting - Shedding sunlight on

*The government shutdown ended a few weeks ago, but questions and [image:
healthcare.gov]criticisms surrounding the implementation of the Affordable
Care Act
and the launch of Healthcare.gov are still mounting.* We investigated who
built the site and at what cost, but we still have some unanswered
questions about the contracting of the site. Even after significant digging
into the difficult-to-decipher bundled government contracts, we couldn’t
determine for sure how the lead healthcare.gov contractor was
Finding information about who else was involved in building the
just as daunting: the vague descriptions of contracts on
provide little insight on what the work actually entailed. Although many of
the early technical issues are difficult to
one thing is clear, we need greater transparency. To these ends, we’ll
continue to advocate for the DATA
greater transparency in federal spending.

[image: divider]
      Explore the U.S. Senate - Sunlight's newest interactive data

*With Congress’s approval rating hovering around 10 percent and the 2014
[image: senata dataviz]Senate races right around the corner, Sunlight
thought it might be time to dig into the backgrounds of members of the U.S.
Senate.* To get to the bottom of this question, Sunlight unveiled our new
interactive data visualization
Our infographic on the U.S. Senate allows you to see how the 100 lawmakers
compare across a wide variety of criteria and biographical information. You
can view the break down of Senate membership by education, age and
political extremism – just to name a few. Some of the results won’t
surprise you, such as the underrepresentation of women and the personal
wealth among Senators. But the most exciting discoveries about the make up
of the U.S. Senate are yours to explore – consult our interactive
the bulk data<http://images.myngp.com/LinkTracker.aspx?crypt=IVi0ax2%2b6UBSinc%2fCPYaKQv76gKJ8FSiHsxDb68pNCRxZIPSioh%2blZARicD8PprZ%2b1ycbWIxNF0739%2f7m0hdkSFZdgiB9FWrsDnpcKJTbw0afeQMXh5usEtyXwmuRXwg10%2byfakH6bFLSuRBtmx1C2iGx6eSBPxkTs%2bv45grDAczRCX7bA%2bZdqy%2fSUWXz5hHWCD%2b8tbuyVI%3d>to
draw your own conclusions!

[image: divider]
      Political Influence by County - A new way to look at campaign finance

*Tracking, analyzing and uncovering money in politics has long been a
[image: maps]core focus of Sunlight’s.* In the past, we used our
analyze patterns in campaign finance data, from the top
political contributors<http://images.myngp.com/LinkTracker.aspx?crypt=IVi0ax2%2b6UBSinc%2fCPYaKRbcP8yFGqFZZ5JtyGWE6DEJUUMYOqY4RmSt%2fZ4Qlm6Wdcs3qqiS6plMOvXj82iOkl7TyPzlaWYB0aGXGuPnWDu5JVg%2fdvUGBUeSI2wN07wgpqqI2zzZoObbjdi2tKB%2f9qOBdE17ZlJ01JnejF9ZwZE%3d>to
politicians fundraise<http://images.myngp.com/LinkTracker.aspx?crypt=IVi0ax2%2b6UBSinc%2fCPYaKRbcP8yFGqFZZ5JtyGWE6DEJUUMYOqY4RmSt%2fZ4Qlm6Wdcs3qqiS6pkk3PVXgI0FV19w9yF8yBb7AYZApV0bpjj%2fELwD9sAmHuJ5KsrZ63fXf8eAEQi199gp0BrpjuK5TOSz6ISvi4Y%2fZBrS3E9esuJDLgHgiDGvxgxqQXVhaweGFXdb%2fx81kVazRd%2fHgJydlG2y%2bhcDtwhluHAIu9ui4ik%3d>.
Now, with some help from
a Philadelphia-based firm that specializes in mapping and geo-spatial
analysis, we are able to look at campaign finance data like never before.
Our latest analysis found that 30 percent of all the money contributed in
last year’s presidential election came from just ten of the nation’s 3,000
counties. Our location-based analyses of campaign finance
show new patterns, such as the contributions per capita in each
county, total contributions per county over time and much more! These
initial data visualizations are just the tip of the iceberg, so check out
our interactive
campaign finance data and stay tuned as we unveil more in-depth
geographical analyses.

[image: divider]
      Open Congress - Get the scoop on Congress

*We are proud to announce that OpenCongress
a site that enables anyone [image: opencongress]to follow and explore the
activities of U.S. Congress,* is now operated by the Sunlight
Originally launched in 2007 by the Participatory Politics Foundation (with
financial support from Sunlight),
a popular and comprehensive, nonpartisan source for legislative
information. With our acquisition, we revamped and refreshed the site and
we still have more improvements in mind. Through your feedback, we are
expanding the tool by adding new data and useful features. Check out the
relaunched site (or download the iOS or Android mobile
to get the latest on bills, members of Congress, votes and much more!
Then share
your thoughts with us <opencongress em sunlightfoundation.com> on what
features you’d like us to work on next. We want your help to make
OpenCongress the best it can be!

[image: divider]
      Local Campaign Finance Data - Sunlight advocates for disclosure

*Sunlight is well versed in the disclosure rules and processes in Federal
Election Commission (FEC) filings and federal campaign finance data,* but
what about municipal campaign finance data? As part of our deep dive into local
we decided to survey this
discover more about the way this data is currently released, how it is
(and could be) used and how we can make it
So far, we discovered that disclosure of municipal finance data varies
but the benefits of releasing this data are
The data helps journalists produce hard-hitting influence stories and
developers create apps that empower the public. So, of course, Sunlight
wants to strengthen this disclosure. We put together a Municipal Campaign
Finance Data Guidebook<http://images.myngp.com/LinkTracker.aspx?crypt=IVi0ax2%2b6UBSinc%2fCPYaKRbcP8yFGqFZZ5JtyGWE6DEJUUMYOqY4Rp9F%2b4nSj1WCLDZ%2fnB%2ffiDoYIjFknEcOG4KWa72rOCJRfZds9qTLyAI%2bXsXsepjlpnmgMGUdRbV3DCvGXRXILT7oi2yq6BsW2oHiRp9QDkuzIVdaTqPqAKYychy1K4BG%2fCiKD1iJ9nwI>to
help advocates and policymakers (as well as citizens) better
the characteristics and value of open municipal campaign finance data.

[image: divider]
      RealTime FEC Tracker - Get your hot, fresh campaign finance data
right here!

*Sunlight is proud to unveil our newest tool for tracking campaign finance
[image: fectracker]data
our Realtime Federal Campaign Finance Tracker
just as the 2014 midterm election fundraising season starts to
gain pace, the latest addition to our flagship site, Influence
allows you to search, sort and download up-to-the-minute campaign finance
data as soon as it’s delivered to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
You can even sign up to get an instant notification whenever a particular
committee files – or whenever something new is reported in a particular
race. So, go ahead and get

[image: divider]
      Introducing our Academic Fellows Program - Digging into influence

*Sunlight is digging deeper into the mechanics of influence in
politics:*what are the factors? How do they infiltrate? To answer
these questions and
more, we are proud to announce a new Academic Fellows Program. Using our
data and tools, Sunlight is collaborating with political science professors
to improve our understanding of political influence. These conversations
will allow us to dig deeper into the processes and mechanics of influence
and we hope to create a fuller picture of how and what influences politics.
Our inaugural class of five fellows includes Eleanor Neff
Yale University, Amy
University of Exeter, Tim
James Madison University, Matt
Michigan State University and James
University of Maryland. We are incredibly excited to welcome these
scholars and looks forward to the new light their research will bring to
the transparency movement.

[image: divider]
      Transparency in the News


*A Victory Against Dark Money
   **The New York Times’* Editorial Board applauds California’s strong
   campaign finance disclosure laws that helped reveal the funneling of
   millions into California state races through a series of dark money groups.
   (*New York Times*, November 2, 2013).

*Open Government Partnership Should Foster Accountability and Social
   **The Guardian* reports on the importance of opening government for the
   benefit of responding to citizens, rather than “being sidetracked by
   commercial opportunity,” a piece that Sunlight’s Labs Director Tom
   own take on<http://images.myngp.com/LinkTracker.aspx?crypt=IVi0ax2%2b6UBSinc%2fCPYaKRbcP8yFGqFZZ5JtyGWE6DEJUUMYOqY4RmSt%2fZ4Qlm6Wdcs3qqiS6pnA6nnhLCDf82%2fxaMM6RIiFAuD2B1UyFQs5jz%2fObOQ2JNCogQpEXGiR8s37NF7EKPcI93PcQzlbVcUi0%2bCiSUM%2bWd9HMqT9zMPx%2fvf1eb13WUVxIUOhtqNJI1ws5AjVg85rSzLcSNflJg%3d%3d>.
   (*The Guardian*, November 4, 2013).

*From Social Welfare Groups, A River of Political Influence
   **NPR News* explains how dark money groups wield influence in local and
   state races from afar, removing the political donor from the races in which
   they are contributing. (*NPR News*, November 5, 2013).

*The Role of Open Data in Accountability [VIDEO]
   **The Guardian* discusses the role of open government data as a key to
   connecting citizens with the work of their government at the Open
   Government Partnership in London. (*The Guardian*, November 5, 2013).

[image: divider]
      Thank You!

*In closing, **we want to extend a special thanks* to Omidyar Network for
its generous multi-year matching grant and to our co-founder Mike Klein for
his sustained support. We also want to thank the John S. and James L.
Knight Foundation, Google.org, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation,
Rita Allen Foundation, Ford Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Kaphan
Foundation, Stanton Foundation and so many others who make our work
possible each day (to see our entire list of donors visit the
to join their ranks click

[image: Ellen]
Ellen Miller
Co-Founder and Executive Director
    [image: divider]      *Mission Statement*
The Sunlight Foundation is a 501(c)3, non-profit, nonpartisan organization
that uses cutting-edge technology and ideas to make government transparent
and accountable. We are committed to improving access to government
information by making it available online, indeed redefining "public"
information as meaning "online," and by creating new tools and websites to
enable individuals and communities to better access that information and
put it to use.

We value your input and suggestions! Let us hear from you at
call us at
202-742-1520.    [image: divider]
The Sunlight Foundation does not rent or sell email lists. Read about our
Privacy Policy here<http://images.myngp.com/LinkTracker.aspx?crypt=IVi0ax2%2b6UBSinc%2fCPYaKRbcP8yFGqFZZ5JtyGWE6DEJUUMYOqY4RsF5I%2fisAk9FxxDm0eEa0trQjGznQlTC6gK4aO4cG1NIz8gttOTGyXzEYHADI17ysZVY11YN%2fQgM>
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*Carolina Rossini*
*Project Director, Latin America Resource Center*
Open Technology Institute
*New America Foundation*
+ 1 6176979389
*carolina.rossini em gmail.com*
skype: carolrossini
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