[okfn-br] Fwd: [School-of-data-network] We extended the fellowship application deadline
Everton Zanella Alvarenga
tom em okfn.org.br
Sexta Maio 30 17:24:13 UTC 2014
Pessoal, boa notícia, foi prorrogado o prazo para a inscrição para ser
fellowship da Escola de Dados (internacional, mas se for alguém do Brasil,
trabalhará próximo ao Marco Túlio e a mim). Abraços, Tom
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Milena Marin <milena.marin em okfn.org>
Date: 2014-05-30 13:26 GMT-03:00
Subject: [School-of-data-network] We extended the fellowship application
To: school-of-data-network em lists.okfn.org
Dear all,
Now the deadline for School of Data fellowship applications has been
extended to June 10th. We received about 80 applications but we would still
like to push for more applicants in Macedonia, Tanzania, South Africa and
Latin America. Also we'd like to encourage more women to apply.
Here is the announce blog post:
Please help us translate and disseminate this!
Milena Marin
School of Data Programme Manager | email: milena.marin em okfn.org | skype:
milena_iul | @milena_iul <https://twitter.com/milena_iul>
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Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
Open Knowledge Brasil - Rede pelo Conhecimento Livre
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