[okfn-br] Fwd: Local groups and chapters with new logos/design?

Everton Zanella Alvarenga tom em okfn.org.br
Sexta Maio 30 22:21:50 UTC 2014

Pessoal, como está demorando muito para a Open Knowledge mãe nos
enviar arquivos vetoriais e termos nosso site atualizado, mandei o
e-mail abaixo. Talvez valha a pena em breve termos o br.okfn.org no
nosso próprio servidor, mas o problema seria ter um sysadmin para
ajudar a tocar - e não temos, no momento, core funding para isso. ;(

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Everton Zanella Alvarenga <tom em okfn.org.br>
Date: 2014-05-30 19:17 GMT-03:00
Subject: Local groups and chapters with new logos/design?
To: Open Knowledge Foundation Local Coordinators Mailing List
<okfn-local-coord em lists.okfn.org>
Cc: local <local em okfn.org>


I have a concern. Is there any timeline to update the local groups and
chapters websites?

It's getting really important for us to have the new brand appearing
on news, new projects etc.. to be aligned with the new website and
also to have vector files so that we can have business cards and

We've been using the new logo with some adaptation for our new project
since April, but I have no news whether there exist some timeline for
this. We were told last year about brands changes, but so far I'm
lacking a bit support on this, mainly when we are building an
organization and the brand is really important here.

If we can help somehow to get things done and not only ask, let us know.



Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
Open Knowledge Brasil - Rede pelo Conhecimento Livre

Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
Open Knowledge Brasil - Rede pelo Conhecimento Livre

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