[okfn-br] [okfn-discuss] Suggestion: OKCentral henceforth be called OKGlobal
P Kishor
punk.kish em gmail.com
Quinta Setembro 18 17:02:52 UTC 2014
On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 9:41 AM, Andrew Stott <andrew.stott em dirdigeng.com>
> +1 for OK International. Seems to have the right ring to it.
> Sent from a mobile device: please forgive strange or inappropriate
> products of automatic spelling correction .....
> On 18 Sep 2014, at 17:27, Irina Bolychevsky <irina.bolychevsky em okfn.org>
> wrote:
> I'm +1 on OKInternational and it can be OKI for short :)
a small voice from across the pond: OK International is definitely much
better than OK Global|Central.
Side note: I most likely came in late to the conversation; what is wrong
with just OK Foundation? A bunch of us have just gotten used to saying OKFN
(really fast so it flows smoothly off the tongue).
Puneet Kishor
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