[Okfn-ca] Digging Round Two Conference, Montréal, october 12.

Diane Mercier diane.mercier at gmail.com
Fri Aug 30 15:33:48 UTC 2013

« On behalf of the international consortium of the Digging into Data 
(DiD) Challenge, the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of 
Canada (SSHRC) is organizing a one-day conference for DiD winning teams 
from the second cohort (2011). The conference will take place on 
Saturday, October 12th, 2013, at Le Palais des congrès de Montréal 
<http://congresmtl.com/en/convention-center/maps-and-directions/>, Quebec. »

Two international keynote speakers, including: Dr. Sally Wyatt 
<http://ehumanities.nl/sally-wyatt/>and Dr. John Willinsky 


via Isabelle Lépine

--- Liaison par | Curation by ---
Dre Diane Mercier
Ambassadrice de l'Open Knowledge Foundation - Groupe local au Canada
ca.okfn.org | @okfnca | LinkedIn : dianemercier | Jabber/XMPP: 
dianemercier at jit.si
Blogue : dianemercier.com
Portail : donnees.ville.montreal.qc.ca
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