[Okfn-ca] Fwd: [OpenSpending] Canadian transparency query

Gabe Sawhney gabe at pwd.ca
Fri Dec 20 21:11:59 UTC 2013

(Maybe someone here might know?)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joseph Kraus <joseph.kraus at one.org>
Date: Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 3:38 PM
Subject: [OpenSpending] Canadian transparency query
To: "openspending at lists.okfn.org" <openspending at lists.okfn.org>

 Hi all,

 I am collaborating with the Publish What You Pay Canada coalition on the
issue of mandatory payment disclosure transparency for the oil, gas, and
mining sectors in Canada. The Canadian government has committed to
implement this type of disclosure within the next two years, and is
considering whether to require companies to disclose payments made to all
levels of government - i.e. national, provincial, city, etc.

 The issue of payment disclosures to city governments has been a point of
contention for some companies, who don't believe there is a demand for such
granular disclosure (and because they fear that this level of disclosure
will further complicate their tenuous relationships with First Nation
governments). I'm wondering if anyone on this list knows of any groups (or
individuals) that might make use of this type of data, or is interested in
the data themselves. If so, I'd appreciate hearing from you.


 Joseph Kraus | Policy Manager, Transparency & Accountability
office: 202.495.2793 | mobile: 202.375.9922
Join us at ONE.ORG | @ONEcampaign | Facebook.com/ONE

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