[Okfn-ca] Fwd: [ciresearchers] Redraft of Internet Principles Now: "Internet for the Common Good: A Community Informatics Declaration"
Diane Mercier
diane.mercier at gmail.com
Sat Dec 21 14:52:00 UTC 2013
J'ai aussi annexé, à la fin du message, les instructions pour accéder au
wiki si vous souhaitez contribuer à la refonte du « Internet for the
Common Good : A Community Informatics Declaration »
Je vais aussi ajouter ce document dans notre liste à traduire en
français (en préparation). Je prévois la partager durant le congé des Fêtes.
Merci de votre attention.
-------- Message original --------
Sujet: [ciresearchers] Redraft of Internet Principles Now: "Internet
for the Common Good: A Community Informatics Declaration"
Date : Thu, 19 Dec 2013 08:05:06 +0700
De : michael gurstein <gurstein at gmail.com>
Répondre à : ciresearchers at vancouvercommunity.net, "michael gurstein"
<gurstein at gmail.com>
Pour : <ciresearchers at vancouvercommunity.net>,
<cracin-canada at vancouvercommunity.net>,
<ci-research-sa at vancouvercommunity.net>, <ci-indigenous at lists.knet.ca>,
<ci-for-older-persons at vancouvercommunity.net>,
<joci-editorial at vancouvercommunity.net>
Copie à : Norbert Bollow <nb at bollow.ch>, Wolske, Martin B
<mwolske at illinois.edu>, 'parminder' <parminder at itforchange.net>, 'Polly
Gaster' <polly.gaster at uem.mz>, Susan O'Donnell <susanodo at unb.ca>, Doug
Schuler <douglas at publicsphereproject.org>
Attached with this note pleased find a redraft of the Internet Principles
document now with the tite: "Internet for the Common Good: A Community
Informatics Declaration" presented for a 48 hour "lazy consensus". Our
colleague Aldo de Moor will be putting this up on the Wiki and will forward
instructions for making/edits changes.
This draft was prepared after very extensive discussions among Norbert
Bollow, Susan O'Donnell, Polly Gaster, Doug Schuler, Parminder Jeet Singh,
Martin Wolske and myself over the last week.
The draft presented is a refinement of the earlier draft that was accepted
through consensus by this group with only minor modifications in detail
rather than in overall substance.
At this point any proposed changes/edits should be of a quite limited nature
reflecting the process that has already been undertaken.
As you are reading this document we would ask that you indicate your support
of the "Declaration" either by sending me a private email or by appending
your name and where appropriate your organizational affiliation and where
possible the support of your organization to the bottom of the wiki.
The declaration is a very concise document and we anticipate providing a
more elaborated document with additional detail and where appropriate
examples, that you could be used by all of us in a variety of contexts.
The Internet Governance/WSIS sphere is heating up quite considerably and
while there is a cacophany of voices purportedly representing Civil Society
and the end users there are no voices speaking up to present the interests
of grassroots users (and non-users), indigeneous peoples, marginalized
populaitons in Developed Countries, older persons, disabled users and others
outside of the conventional Internet Governance civil society mainstream.
Therefore, we need a strong indication of support for this Declaration and
with this I believe that we can find an appropriate place at the table as
these issues are being discussed.
With best wishes and thanks to all,
-------- Message original --------
Sujet: [CommunityInformaticsCanada] Wiki Instructions RE: Redraft of
Internet Principles Now: "Internet for the Common Good: A Community
Informatics Declaration"
Date : Thu, 19 Dec 2013 08:21:22 +0700
De : michael gurstein <gurstein at gmail.com>
Pour : <cracin-canada at vancouvercommunity.net>,
<ci-research-sa at vancouvercommunity.net>, <ci-indigenous at lists.knet.ca>,
<ci-for-older-persons at vancouvercommunity.net>,
<joci-editorial at vancouvercommunity.net>
Copie à : Aldo de Moor <ademoor at gmail.com>
Please note discussion on the document is taking place on the CIResearchers
Aldo, sent the below concerning instructions on how to access the wiki for
editing and sign on as below...
-----Original Message-----
From: ciresearchers-owner at vancouvercommunity.net
[mailto:ciresearchers-owner at vancouvercommunity.net] On Behalf Of Aldo de
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2013 7:43 AM
To: Ciresearchers
Subject: [ciresearchers] An Internet for the Common Good: Engagement,
Empowerment, and Justice for All
Mike Gurstein asked me to put the revised version of the Internet Justice
statement on the wiki, for review by the larger CIRN
If you want to revise the community informatics declaration, you can do this
yourself on the wiki. The idea of doing this on the wiki is that everybody
can edit, tweak, add comments etc. without getting multiple parallel
versions simultaneously that take a lot of effort to synchronize with
previous versions. Furthermore, version comparisons can be easily made and
authorship of changes is logged.
If you already have an account on the CIRN wiki, you should be be able to
edit directly there. Just login, press the Edit-button on the statement
page, do your thing and press Save.
If you don't have an account on the CIRN wiki, just click "Join Now"
in yellow ribbon on top of browser page. If you don't have a general
Wikispaces account yet, create that first. Then, sign in on the
http://cirn.wikispaces.com wiki.
We only allow known people to become a member, to prevent spammers. If you
are not a member yet, after signing in, it will say that your membership
application needs to be approved. ***Send me an e-mail with the username
that you use on Wikispaces*** (I have no way of seeing which "real person"
is associated with a username), and I will make you a member of the wiki.
You can then edit along.
Of course, you can also discuss the declaration on this mailing list.
Aldo de Moor, PhD
CommunitySense - for working communities Cavaleriestraat 2, 5017 ET Tilburg,
the Netherlands
e-mail: ademoor at communitysense.nl
mob: +31-6-47011400, tel/fax: +31-13-4564126
site: www.communitysense.nl KvK: 18088302
blog: communitysense.wordpress.com ___twitter: ademoor___
--- Médiation par | Curation by ---
Dre Diane Mercier
@okfnca | ca.okfn.org
@_FACiL | facil.qc.ca
@MTL_DO | donnees.ville.montreal.qc.ca
@carnetsDM | dianemercier.com
Webographie consolidée :
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