[Okfn-ca] Understanding the impact of releasing and re-using Open government data | EPSI Platform

Diane Mercier diane.mercier at gmail.com
Sat Sep 7 18:43:14 UTC 2013

«It presents key theories of change related to implementing open data 
policies, releasing and re-using public sector data. It complements 
these theories with measurement indicators suggested by various studies 
and reports on open government data up to date. Finally, it suggests a 
number of research and action areas to address in order to maximise 
potential benefits of open government data.»


--- Liaison par | Curation by ---
Dre Diane Mercier
Ambassadrice de l'Open Knowledge Foundation - Groupe local au Canada
Web : http://ca.okfn.org
Discussion : http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/okfn-ca
Medias : @okfnca | LinkedIn : dianemercier | JiTsi - Jabber/XMPP: 
dianemercier at jit.si
Blogue : http://dianemercier.com
Portail : http://donnees.ville.montreal.qc.ca

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