[Okfn-ca] [Fwd: [ciresearchers] FW: Blogpost: Smart Cities vs. Smart Communities: Enabling Markets or Empowering Citizens]

Diane Mercier diane.mercier at gmail.com
Fri Nov 7 18:21:53 UTC 2014

À titre d'information,

Le dernier blogue de Michael Gurstein recentre les discussions
Villes intelligentes c. Communités intelligentes.

------------------------- Message original -------------------------
Objet:   [ciresearchers] FW: Blogpost: Smart Cities vs. Smart
Communities: Enabling Markets or Empowering Citizens
De:      "michael gurstein" <gurstein at gmail.com>
Date:    Ven 7 novembre 2014 10:50
À:       ciresearchers at vancouvercommunity.net
         cracin-canada at vancouvercommunity.net
         ci-research-sa at vcn.bc.ca



So "Smart Cities" particularly in Less Developed Countries are ways of
turning urban environments into gold mines for consultants, hardware
software companies and redoing the city in the image and for the
benefit of
its most prosperous and well-serviced inhabitants and in the meantime
transferring additional resources and benefits from the poor to the

But another type of "Smart" program is possible-one that is focused on
social inclusion, enabling citizens, supporting communities-a community
informatics model.  This would be a smart program where the emphasis
is on
"Smart Communities" rather than "Smart Cities" and enabling and
citizens and supporting their individual and communal quests for
rather than turning cities into a series of cascading neo-liberalized
markets-for services, for infrastructure, for shelter.


--- Médiation par | Curation by ---
Diane Mercier, Docteure en sciences de l'information
Chercheure associée au LICEF de la Télé-Université

@carnetsDM | dianemercier.com
@okfnca | ca.okfn.org

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