[Okfn-ca] [CivicAccess-discuss] Fwd: [okfn-discuss] A map of the global civic tech community on GitHub - groups connected via Poplus.org network

Robin Millette robin at millette.info
Sat Dec 19 23:54:36 UTC 2015

Hello Stefan,
Merci Diane,

Je travaille depuis trois mois sur un projet de scraping pour un
bottin de développeurs québécois.

Très intéressant, ça va certainement m'inspirer. Je travaille sur un
truc un peu similaire:
http://geo.rollodeqc.com/ (carte des langages de programmation
utilisées au Québec)

La suite (and perhaps a bit of English) plus bas.

On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 7:31 AM, Diane Mercier, Ph.D.
<diane.mercier at gmail.com> wrote:

> -------- Message transféré --------
> Sujet : [okfn-discuss] A map of the global civic tech community on
> GitHub - groups connected via Poplus.org network
> Date : Sun, 13 Dec 2015 10:55:09 -0600
> De : Steven Clift <clift at e-democracy.org>

> Check out this "map" of organizations and their open gov/civic tech
> code on GitHub:
> http://sbaack.com/2015/11/19/scraping-the-global-civic-tech-community-on-github-part-2.html

> This is what was recruited first via the Poplus.org unconference in
> Chile in May 2014 and then the big 3 month push I led to build
> membership on the Poplus Google Group: http://bit.ly/poplusgroup

I've been working for the last 3 months on a directory of Québec programmers:
Most of the code is on GitLab (you'll find the link on the homepage).
Currently, it stands as a bunch of little prototypes, using GitHub
data but eventually looking into OpenHub, GitLab and any git repo.

> What opportunities for greater connections and collaboration among
> orgs/code might exist?

Perhaps we should talk :-) (bcc'ed Stefan).


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