[okfn-cz] MapIt: hranice administrativních okrsků od mySociety

Jakub Mráček jakub.mracek at osf.cz
Fri Jul 13 12:50:30 UTC 2012



mySociety release MapIt Global


mySociety have released a new piece of software that relates points on a map to administrative boundaries around the world. The release represents a huge time-saving for organisations like mySociety who want to build websites that help people engage with their local, regional and national governments (so-called "civic hackers"): "As a general user this sort of thing might seem a bit obscure, but you've probably indirectly used such a service many times".



Jakub Mráček
Transparency and Public Accountability Program Coordinator

OPEN SOCIETY FUND PRAGUE | Jeseniova 47, 130 00 Praha 3
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e: jakub.mracek at osf.cz <mailto:jakub.mracek at osf.cz>  | w: www.osf.cz <http://www.osf.cz/> 
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