[okfn-discuss] Calendar

Tom Chance tom at acrewoods.net
Fri Jan 27 00:53:34 UTC 2006


I've been looking at upcoming properly for the first time today, maybe you 
should check it out again? It has:
- tags with RSS feeds
- metadata for venue & group, both with RSS feeds
- an API that Drupal almost supports

Even the RSS feeds would be great, so we could have an 'upcoming FC-UK events' 
bit on the (soon to be revamped) FC-UK site. Handy :)

Since it seems, to somebody out of touch with all this web2.0 whizzyness, more 
popular than the others you mention I would have thought it would be more 
likely to be well maintained, and for other CMSs to have decent support for 
the API?

Anyway, if somebody has really strong feelings for a particular solution I'm 
happy to be swayed. But a 15 minute play and a readup on Drupal support makes 
me think that upcoming would be a good option. If we could secure some 
funding to get the Drupal upcoming module fixed up (Rufus? any ideas) I'd be 

Then I could start entering events myself in the naive hope that others will 
follow ;-)

Kind regards,

On Thursday 26 January 2006 14:37, Jo Walsh wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 01:09:30PM +0000, Rufus Pollock wrote:
> > upcoming.org/eventful.com/evnt.org
> upcoming has terrible metadata, and was eaten by Yahoo! recently
> (so perhaps the latter will change the former)
> i kind of like evnt.org, i spent a little time last year writing
> libraries to talk to its *incredibly badly documented* RESTful API.
> but i stopped using http://evnt.org/zool/ after a while. i see a core
> of people are still using it though, i am not sure the group that set
> it up (with arts council sponsorship) are still actively running it.
> It has the nice low-impact thing of being 'taggable' and emitting
> decent XML feeds of stuff (append '/_xcal' to the end of event URLS,
> and there are inbox/index feeds).
> In *theory* it is open source, in practise i don't know if there is a
> package release (is python / quixote / cheetah / mysql based) or even
> public details for its svn repos. I wrote an RSS/RDF aggregator
> component for it which never got used, but that is where it was heading.
> There's a pile of links about its innards halfway down
> http://wiki.wirelesslondon.info/NodelSoftArchitecture
> ugh wiki comment spam :/
> -jo

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