[okfn-discuss] open knowledge event this autumn: proposal

Julian Priest julian at informal.org.uk
Thu Jul 13 10:49:53 UTC 2006

On Tue, Jul 11, 2006 at 07:19:43AM +0100, Saul Albert wrote:
> hi Julian,
> On Mon, Jul 10, 2006 at 12:49:22PM +0100, julian at informal.org.uk wrote:
> > just got back from Djursland where we had a fun week of camping and
> > workshops hosted by DIIRWB. We spent a fair bit of time working up the
> > ideas for wsfii workshops in Dharamsala at the end of October which looks
> > to be shaping up well.
> Sounds great!
> > I was thinking about trying to raise some funds for a UK group to go down
> > there. At present the event is very wireless focused so we were discussing
> > that it might be good to pick up some of the wider threads from last years
> > event in London.
> > 
> > Is that something anyone would be interested in to complement these great
> > plans for a London event?
> That would be great for some early stage-planning, and more generally.
> When were you thinking? I probably won't have time between now and
> September, which I suspect would be too late..

The event in India is Oct 20th -25th with the workshops happening afterwards.


The conference programme draft is getting firmed up now but the
workshop time is much more flexible and open. Planning and fund
raising is happening now so maybe if we could form a group from
different tracks who are interested from last years themes we could
put together a proposal to get some funding for the travel?



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