[okfn-discuss] Open Library project and versioning structured data

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Wed Aug 1 10:47:14 UTC 2007

Benj. Mako Hill wrote:
> <quote who="Rufus Pollock" date="Thu, Jul 26, 2007 at 09:39:06AM +0100">
>> What's interesting is that, just like us, they want to be able to 
>> version data in a 'wiki' like manner (they also want all their data to 
>> be open). To this end, it appears they have been modding Schwartz's 
>> infogami wiki software to support structured data. Since we've already 
>> been working on this in developing versioned domain model (and ckan.net) 
>> I wrote to them to see what possibilities for collaboration their might 
>> be (see below). I'll keep people posted on how this develops.
> Please keep the list informed of this conversation. I would love for
> the infogami code being used for the open library to turn into
> something more generalizable. Often this merely requires that a second
> group wants to use it -- collaboration will sort of imply some sort
> degree of generalization in the code and libraries.

As you no doubt saw from the rest email I'm already pushing this idea. 
By the way versioned domain model (vdm) was originally part of CKAN (all 
data in CKAN is fully versioned -- see e.g. this revision log [1]) but 
it was factored out into a standalone, 'general', package precisely so 
that it can easily be reused in other projects. I'm currently working 
hard on v0.2 of vdm which will add full support for elixir in addition 
to sqlobject.

[1]: http://www.ckan.net/revision/read/172

> I'm no sure if the OL folks are ready for this but I'd like to see this
> took so please keep us informed.

Yes, I think they are pretty busy -- I had a reply from one of their 
developers but not from Aaron who I think is the main guy working on the 
infogami stuff.


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