[okfn-discuss] KForge v0.13 Released

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu Aug 16 15:16:00 UTC 2007

A new release of KForge (v0.13) is out. Release notes below.

Blog post: http://blog.okfn.org/2007/08/16/kforge-v013-released/


## Release Notes ##

A new release of KForge (v0.13) is out. You can download it from:


Or direct from:


### Changes

   * KForge runs on a single virtual host and can be mounted off the site
     root using uri_prefix (ticket:44)
   * Simplified installation process using setuptools (ticket:30 and
   * Fix bug whereby non-authorised users could issue post requests
   * Time zone for internal time stamps now set correctly (ticket:42)
   * Support for trac >= 0.10 (ticket:39)
   * Refactored and improve test process.

### About KForge ####

KForge is an open-source (GPL) system for managing software and 
knowledge projects. It re-uses existing best-of-breed tools such as a 
versioned storage (subversion), a tracker (trac), and wiki (trac or 
moinmoin), integrating them with the system's own facilities (projects, 
users, permissions etc). KForge also provides a complete web interface 
for project administration as well a fully-developed plugin system so 
that new services and features can be easily added.

For more information see the about page: 

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