[okfn-discuss] Re: final lineup for Open Media panel

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Mon Feb 26 15:52:54 UTC 2007

andrea rota wrote:
> hi Rufus,
> we have the final lineup for the panel Adnan and I organized - Fleur
> Knopperts won't be able to join the panel and her slot will be taken by
> Susana Noguero and Olivier Schulbaum from Platoniq
> (http://www.platoniq.net/).


> The okcon programme page seems to be outside the public wiki on okfn.org
> so I was not able to update this - could you please update the panel
> info?

Of course. I can also give you admin rights on the main site if you want.

> we thought that we would chair the panel, but I've seen on the okfn list
> the confirmation that Christian will be chairing it - that's cool
> obviously; maybe I shall say a few words about liquid culture/deptford
> tv and why we invited these speakers?

Sure. That would be great. Would you guys also be interested in 
presenting a demo or similar in the open space?


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