Fwd: [okfn-discuss] Project updates: Open Shakespeare

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Wed Mar 21 09:34:07 UTC 2007

Oldak Quill wrote:
> On 20/03/07, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org> wrote:
>> All kinds of skills required including:
>>    * transcribing old texts and proofreading
> As to the first point, Distributed Proofreaders (and Distributed
> Proofreaders Europe) has already proven itself to be a robust,
> effective collabortion model for proofreading/formatting old texts. Is
> there any reason why this couldn't be used?

None at all -- do you know how we would contact them and suggest 
processing that particular text (I know that gutenberg processed vol. 1 
and vol. 2 of the 11th edition of Encyclopaedia but not the one we are 
interested in).



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