Fwd: [okfn-discuss] Project updates: Open Shakespeare

Oldak Quill oldakquill at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 17:51:06 UTC 2007

On 21/03/07, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org> wrote:
> Oldak Quill wrote:
> > On 21/03/07, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org> wrote:
> >> Oldak Quill wrote:
> [snip]
> >> > As to the first point, Distributed Proofreaders (and Distributed
> >> > Proofreaders Europe) has already proven itself to be a robust,
> >> > effective collabortion model for proofreading/formatting old texts. Is
> >> > there any reason why this couldn't be used?
> >>
> >> None at all -- do you know how we would contact them and suggest
> >> processing that particular text (I know that gutenberg processed vol. 1
> >> and vol. 2 of the 11th edition of Encyclopaedia but not the one we are
> >> interested in).
> [snip]
> > I know there are efforts under way at Distributed Proofreaders to get
> > through the whole Encyclopaedia, but since it's such a large work it's
> > taking its while (I think they're up to the 8th volume).
> I've only been able to find the first two volumes via google -- do you
> know where I can vols 3-8? I should also say that we are only interested
> in 10 pages or so of that particular volume large work so it might we
> worth just doing it ourselves (or is there a way to suggest just a small
> section to the distributed proof reading project). We also need to do
> the OCRing as text on wikisource is just the scan (from a look around
> pgdp.net it seems you need to scan it before it gets to them).

http://www.pgdp.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=3915 - this is the forum
thread concerning PGDP's Encyclopaedia Britannica "Uberproject".

I do know that the 8th volume (Dubois to Dyeing) is in the first
proofreading stage. This means that the first 7 volumes have completed
this stage, but not necessarily that they have been finally released.
Texts which have only partially been proofread are still accessable
and of a useable standard (you might need to do a little formatting).

If the texts you are looking for is in the first eight volumes, I can
help you to find the exact articles by looking through project pages
and whatnot. If it isn't in the first eight, the best way forward
would be just to proofread the pages you need yourself. I'd also
happily help with this.

Oldak Quill (oldakquill at gmail.com)

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