[okfn-discuss] JISC data preservation costs study

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri Oct 5 10:23:12 UTC 2007

Jordan Hatcher's lists wrote:
> http://www.jisc.ac.uk/fundingopportunities/funding_calls/2007/10/ 
> datacostsitt
> Don't know if this is OT or not, but I saw this funding call for a  
> study into the costs of storing research data for 5-10 years, and  
> thought that issues such as open formats and open data licensing  
> would be relevant to the cost analysis, and thus of possible interest  
> to the list.

Certainly looks interesting -- though I note that ironically for a study 
about preservation the docs are in Word format [1]. I don't think the 
OKF is in a position to conduct such a study but it would certainly be 
good to talk to whomever does.



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