[okfn-discuss] Versioning Manuscripts

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri Apr 11 10:10:42 UTC 2008

On 03/04/08 11:02, Iain Emsley wrote:
> Dear all,
> Just thought that I'd let you know that I've taken a little break from  
> Milton to do something linked to it whilst I figure out the source of  
> the junk error I get from Genshi.
> At the conference, mention was made of trying to version  
> manuscripts/texts to find the changes. I've been quietly working on a  
> Perl programme to begin doing that or at least to demonstrate the  
> approach whilst looking at how to fully implement the ideas.

This sounds really interesting. I'd really like to participate in this.

> Would you be interested in a Python port to fit in with  
> openShakespeare and openMilton, or would Perl be okay until I've done  
> the port?

I'd definitely be interested in a python port (python has a reasonably 
good general purpose diffing library (difflib) available as part of the 
distribution). Why not commit your perl version plus any python into the 
shakespeare svn repo, that way I -- and others :) -- can take a look.


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