[okfn-discuss] Radiohead Release Data For Video (CC-NC)

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue Jul 15 11:22:16 UTC 2008

On 15/07/08 11:57, Rob Myers wrote:
> http://code.google.com/creative/radiohead/
> Releasing the data is great, but is it copyrightable and NC-able?

Probably not -- though it would depend. Obviously they would have been 
better off using a data-oriented license here.

> Either way, NC on data isn't good. It would have been nice for
> Radiohead to be the first Open Knowledge performers. ;-)

Exactly. Particularly here I'm not sure what the downside would having a 
truly open license on the datasets for a music video animation. I would 
guess it was the general feeling of let's just put on a NC restriction 
to be on the safe side.


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