[okfn-discuss] 8 Principles of Open Government Data

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Thu May 8 22:24:38 UTC 2008

Rufus Pollock wrote:
> I think Jonathan Gray is on their mailing list but I don't know how 
> successful we were in getting in contact, particularly to chat about the 
> potential inter-relation of these 8 Principles and the Open Knowledge 
> Definition. Any assistance in that direction would be most welcome in fact.

We alluded to the 8 principles in our response to the Library of 
Congress on the Future of Bibliographic control report last December:


I've posted to the open-government Google group list several times about 
this and other stuff.

It would be great to hear what the group has been up to, what it has 
planned, and how we might be able to collaborate!


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