[okfn-discuss] More CKAN webpage

Thierry.Poibeau at lipn.univ-paris13.fr Thierry.Poibeau at lipn.univ-paris13.fr
Fri Jun 19 17:20:15 UTC 2009

Dear All,

Thank you for having including me on this list.

June is very busy for me but I agreed with Rufus on organizing a CKAN 
webpage on
free resources for humanities (in linguistics, corpora, dictionaries, grammars
and tools; but other kind of collections exist for history, geography, etc.).

(I hope this message is not out of topic...)

Thierry Poibeau

Quoting Jonathan Gray <jonathan.gray at okfn.org>:

> For a while we've been speaking about creating more official 'editor'
> roles at CKAN. (Particularly in discussions with Cameron Neylon +
> Peter Murray-Rust.)
> A few general suggestions:
> * list of most recently added/edited pages on front page
> * ckan.net/user/[username] pages - allowing user to create a profile
> page detailing interests and linking to external sites
> * better browsing support, e.g. link to list of 'curated' tags, with
> information on subject area and active editors
> * featured packages on front page
> * allow collections of packages
> * ckan on identica - with feed of new packages?
> I've created a ticket for this here:
>  http://knowledgeforge.net/okfn/tasks/ticket/53
> J.

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