[okfn-discuss] OKCon 2009: CFP + submissions system

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Fri Oct 30 18:22:45 UTC 2009

Hi all,

I've made some edits to the OKCon 2010 call for proposals (copied
below), and propose we get this out ASAP!


I suggest we have a single CFP for research track and short
presentations/demos/posters - and have modified a the text

I've also prepared a plain text submission form:


This can be submitted via the wiki or via email (and we'll add it to the wiki):


Does anyone have any suggestions? Any ideas for further fields on
submission form? Any more ideas for topics?

Jonathan Gray

Community Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation


# Open Knowledge Conference 2010: Call for Proposals

## Introduction

The annual Open Knowledge Conference (OKCon), now in its 5th
installment, is an interdisciplinary conference on all topics related
to the creation, dissemination and reuse of open knowledge in all its
forms -- from genes to geodata, sonnets to statistics.

Open knowledge has an wide range of potential social and economic
befits. From encouraging the creation of citizen driven web services
helping, to strengthen our democracies to improving the way we conduct
and share scientific research. From increasing access to artistic
works that have fallen into the public domain, to finding better ways
to explore, represent and connect together the wealth of information
that surround us.

In addition to high profile initiatives such as Wikipedia,
!OpenStreetMap, the Human Genome Project or the USA's recent Data.gov
there are also a plethora of projects and communities that make up the
open knowledge universe. There are an increasing number of initiatives
to open up government data - both locally and nationally. There is
increasing support for open access to scholarly publications and data
from academics, researchers, publishers and policy makers. There is
increasing demand from teachers and students to remove barriers to
accessing and redistributing educational materials. There is a growing
movement to connect together open datasets in a way which makes it
possible to automatically answer increasingly sophisticated questions.

OKCon brings together individuals and groups from across this broad
spectrum for a day of talks, discussions and workshops on the tools,
technologies and strategies used for working with open knowledge.

## Topics

Topics include but are not limited to:

### Technology and Law

    * Semantic Web and Linked Data in relation to open knowledge
    * Platforms, methods and tools for creating, sharing and curating
open knowledge
    * Light-weight, adaptive interaction models
    * Open, decentralized social network applications
    * Open Licensing, Legal Tools and the Public Domain

### Society and Democracy

    * Open government data and content (public sector information)
    * Open knowledge and international development

### Culture and Education

    * Open educational tools and resources
    * Business models for open content
    * Incentive and rewards open-knowledge contributors
    * Open textbooks

### Science and Research

    * Opening up scientific data
    * Supporting scientific workflows with open knowledge models
    * Open models for scientific innovation, funding and publication
    * Tools for analysing and visualizing open data

## Submission Details

We are accepting five types of submissions:

   1. Full papers of 5-10 pages describing novel strategies, tools,
services or best-practices related to open knowledge,
   2. Extended talk abstracts of 2-4 pages focusing on novel ideas,
ongoing work and upcoming research challenges.
   3. Proposals for short talks
   4. Proposals for demonstrations
   5. Proposals for posters

OKCon will implement an open submission and reviewing process:
submissions should be created as individual wiki pages at the
submissions page. Depending on the assessment of the submissions by
the programme committee and external reviewers, submissions will be
accepted either as full, short or lightning/poster presentations.

Proceedings of OKCON will be published at CEUR-WS.org. If you want
your submission to be included in the conference proceedings you have
to prepare a manuscript of your submission according to the LNCS

## Important Dates

    * Submission deadline: December 15th 2009
    * Reviewing and discussion period: December 15th 2009 - January 31th 2010
    * Notification of acceptance: January 31th 2010
    * Camera-ready papers due: February 31th 2010
    * Research track at OKCon: April 2010

## Programme Committee

    * Sören Auer, AKSW/Universität Leipzig
    * Christopher Corbin, UK Advisory Board on Public Sector Information (APPSI)
    * Claudia Müller-Birn, Carnegie Mellon University
    * Rufus Pollock, Open Knowledge Foundation and Emmanuel College,
University of Cambridge
    * John Wilbanks, Science Commons

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