[okfn-discuss] [ok-scotland] Fwd: Visualising energy/environmental data at Eurostat Hackday, 16th December 2010?

William Waites ww at eris.okfn.org
Wed Dec 15 13:32:07 UTC 2010

* [2010-12-15 13:21:45 +0000] Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio at gmail.com> écrit:

] If I have a spare slot I may drop in to do some minimal coverage and write
] up of the initiative
] Please share venue and timetable info, thanks

Informatics Forum, room 4.02 from 10am

William Waites
9C7E F636 52F6 1004 E40A  E565 98E3 BBF3 8320 7664

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